Sunday, December 12, 2010

No Place Like Home!!

Today I was humbled and gratefully reprimanded by my youngest son. "MOM...we have to go see Papa and Nana sing... they ALWAYS come to everything of our's. Our church people will understand".
YES ALEX... you are correct. So we hustled and bustled and moved quite quickly to get to Wilkesboro by 11am.. and may I just say? IT WAS SO WORTH IT. To enter the church where I learned "This Little Light of Mine"; how to play Hide and Seek in the dark and avoid concussions; about world religions and how not to be tempted by false teachings; where I was baptized; where I was married; and where my first child was dedicated... It was a HOMECOMING!! Christmas morning could not be better! To hug and feel the energy of excited people READY to worship the Lord through song was EXACTLY what I needed. My heart is ready and prepared to celebrate the living God and the many blessings he has granted. So very honestly and humbly... I thank you First Baptist Church of North Wilkesboro. No matter where I are (in my heart) HOME!! May God bless each of you and help you realize how very special you are!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hello Moon!!

Today was a glorious day. Despite the fact that I am NOT a cat lover, I felt very much like a cat. I got my belly full on Pumpkin and Praline Pancakes and really wanted to find a sun-filled window to stretch out in front of. The weather and my company were delightful. This evening provided an even better bonus... a beautiful, full, and amazing moon. It was an unexpected surprise as I went to pick-up the boys from choir rehearsal. Tonight's moon allowed perfect vision in an otherwise dark world. The shadows were not scary or awkward places but instead allowed for clarity of thought and the use of senses usually abandoned in the night. Tonight's moon made me think about our darkest hours... those moments that bring pain, confusion, and fear. We need only to look to the ONE who created the moon to ease our burdens. HE is no surprise! He will light the way! HE is awe inspiring and for that and the darkness I am grateful!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

SOUPER Genes??

Tonight we had our family Thanksgiving get together... it is a SOUPER event. You see, we all bring crock pots full of soup and desserts and share with one another. The food is great. LAUGHTER is loud and it is wonderful. The soups are very different... even when we make the "same" recipe. Soup is like that.. it allows the flavor to marry and gets better with age. I can't help but think about my own genetic make-up. Although I share similar DNA history with these people, we are all unique. SO.. I have to reflect on my own makeup. What traits have I been given from those before me that are worthy of passing on? From my Papa Drye.... a love and respect for nature and all God's creatures, realizing that sometimes, they may very well be your best friends. From Mama Drye... the ability to take pride in what you have and the creativity to turn nothing into something quite magical. From my Papa McDonald... a thirst for God's word and direction in my life and a love of Eggnog and hoop cheese. From my Mama McDonald... the ability to cut through the bull and see things as they are.. sorry I never did acquire her love of coffee. From my Dad... a great sense of humor and the ability to make others feel at ease. From my Mom... a desire to be the best I can possibly be and that crazy Drye Drive that will not allow me to quit! So.. I must admit... the soup that is me is not too bad. I doubt Campbell's will ever purchase the copyright recipe.... but for today.. it is good enough and with that I am satisfied!

Blessings to you dear ones. May the coming week find you SOUPER!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

VICTORY in Jesus...

Yesterday brought the close of our football season. We had beautiful weather and I was, quite honestly, very nervous and excited at the same time. If I am truthful.. I really wanted to throw up as my 3rd and 4th grade team played. The first quarter was quite acceptable. We were down by six to a team that had beaten us twice before... NOT BAD.. not bad.. NOT BAD. However... in the second half.. an unacceptable thing happened. The official felt the need to yell that "(our) coaches were just a sorry bunch" IN FRONT OF CHILDREN. REALLY?? YOU did not need to say this. This inevitably causes a nasty (yet civilized) confrontation allowing one of our coaches to be ejected from the game... BUT OUR KIDS KEPT PLAYING!!
These young boys who came out in September fearful, overwhelmed, and really contemplating quitting after Week 1 have learned perseverance. BUT THYE DID NOT QUIT... they stuck through it and faced their fear. Despite injuries, adverse weather, and often times complete and total frustration, our boys played and learned and grew from their mistakes. I feel these 8 and 9 year olds are wonderful role models of how my Christian walk SHOULD BE... I should keep my eyes on the prize and work through difficulties with the belief that ultimately.. I WILL HAVE A VICTORY.. and it will be in JESUS!! God bless my boys and help my influence on them to have been a good thing and as Christ-like as possible from this lowly sinner. AMEN!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Old Friends.. and TAP shoes

Tonight when I went to dance... my friend JANE was there. Jane is a retired home economics teacher and had to take time off from dance to care for her mother who has unfortunately passed away. YOU SEE.. Jane realized she would have a void in her life and wisely returned to a place she enjoyed! When I entered the studio... I let out a little girl like scream of excitement.. I had forgotten how much I enjoy Jane. Jane is an older lady... who has not bought into that notion. Jane never takes herself too seriously and always makes you feel special Jane makes our performances because.. although she may not get all the steps... she is the epitome of a performer... the audience can not take their eyes off Jane.. and we don't mind! SHE is so worth it. So YES.. today was a spectacular day... I got to wear my tap shoes and Jane did too. BLESSINGS ARE MINE and I am so undeserving! Thank you God for those people in our lives that help us live more fully! May you and I both be more Jane like in the remaining days we have been given.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Holding ON??

I have been an observer of people for quite a while now. Unfortunately, I have not found a way to be paid for such great thoughts... yet I have had a lot of fun with a variety of people doing so. Today's observation is this... in most relationship type photos you see one person as the one holding on and the other being held. I wonder... is it always the same person? Does God lead us to the one that needs to be held or that will hold us? Do we ever reverse roles? I wonder about myself. Where do I fall on the holding on continuum? What causes us to hold on? Do we fear losing the person or are we like toddlers that want one more squeeze before leaving for the day? So my challenge from all this mindless tomfoolery is this... BE WORTHY of the one who holds on to me and have the courage to hold on when needed. May God grant me the discernment to distinguish between the two.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Family Ties

Tonight we had a mini-reunion with my dad's siblings and their offspring. IT WAS A BLAST. I know these people from the perspective of a kid. They are cousins and aunts and get the picture. TONIGHT...I got the chance to visit with them as adults.... and I must add they are pretty darn spectacular. They are wives and mothers and are unique and special and talented. The best thing.. the really best thing was that our little "private" room was filled with laughter. The kind of laughter that is genuine and from the soul. Our kids had fun and became quick friends and actually allowed the adults to visit a bit. I think our grandparents are pleased. I think they found joy in our reunion. AND FOR THAT and the blessing of biological family and families of the heart.. I am grateful.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thankfulness Challenge?

The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts. No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving. ~H.U. Westermayer

Many friends are talking about the concept of thankfulness and taking the challenge to list daily one thing they are thankful for. In no disrespect... should this really be a CHALLENGE? For me, I have been given far more than I deserve. Conversely..I have often NOT been given exactly what I deserve. I should have a major knot jerked in my more than ample hind end....seriously.. I should be in a constant state of gratitude for all my blessings. I have lived an overall satisfying life. I realize that the bumps I have endured have been lessons learned and created the person I am. I have been blessed with FAITH that God will provide and LOVES me unconditionally.. scars, errors, and fouls. This.... is enough. Which leads me back to my initial point... I AM THANKFUL and should be! God's unending love and abiding mercy to you... and prayers that we all realize these things without ceasing!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunshine on my shoulders...

This morning I am sitting near a window that allows the intense fall sun to penetrate my shoulder. It feels great. It feels refreshing. It makes me feel alive! It brings to mind the old John Denver song.. Sunshine On My Shoulders. Whether you like the song or not... Consider these lyrics:
"Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy
Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry
Sunshine on the water looks so lovely
Sunshine almost always makes me high"

I have to stop and pause.... life is really about magical "sunshiney" moments where God gives us rays of comfort, joy, and peace.. when we least expect or deserve them. HE allows us "lovelyness" and natural highs that no drug can ever achieve. That is pretty awesome. These thoughts make me happy.. and for that and all my other blessings I am humbly grateful. Sorry I must run... the sunshine beckons me to move a little closer so that my personal moment of joy may continue. BLESSINGS TO EACH OF YOU this fine day!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Today I spent a frazzling day in the computer lab. The students could easily complete the task I asked of them..IF THEY LISTENED to the first few moments of class. If not.... several steps in to the activity.. BAM... big fat mess. This drove me CRAZY!!! Undeniably the students would insist that they had followed the steps and that the "computer messed them up". NOT QUITE my lovelies.
Hours later.. I have to admit... WE don't often listen. Someone tells us very important information and we are too busy formulating our response or better yet.. what we think they are going to say. I need to work on this... The Tlingit Indian Tribe of Alaska says that speaking too much or too long shows disrespect for others. WOW.. something to think about it.. There in lies my challenge... speak less... listen more... and REALLY listen!! Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Taking things for granted!

TODAY... my car died. That crazy kind where you drive to a store, do your business, and come out to... NOTHING!! No door lock, no radio... we are talking dead, dead, dead. Thankfully my mom and son came to my rescue, picked me up, and will take me back later with some help from people who understand engines.
THE THOUGHT STRIKES ME.. right now... I take many things for granted. cars that start, hotwater for showers, cold water for drinking, grocery stores with what I not only need but also with what I want, medical geniuses to restore me to health, a job that will offer payment to cover my desires, friends, family, love of those people, their guaranteed forgiveness of my bizarre and quirky ways, the fact that I can leave work to be done tomorrow, and that tomorrow will come! UH-OH... here's where my heart skips a beat. IF TOMORROW does not come to me... what would I have left undone? Have I cleared off my doorstoop so that CHRIST would see my WELCOME sign should he return tomorrow? I know he knows my worries and my troubles. PERHAPS the car not working is his way of shaking up my monotony and making me take notice of the many blessings he as ALREADY granted. I think I am going to get busy... I've got some praising to do and some people to thank. If you are reading this... I probably owe you a thanks.. MAY GOD BLESS YOU and may you realize that just now.. at this very moment.. I realized I should never take you for granted!! AMEN!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Last Supper???

Today (in preparation for our class novel), I asked my students what ONE food they would be willing to eat every day to survive? They all wanted to negotiate~ explaining that a peanut butter and jelly sandwich was ONE THING.. NO..I explained that is three..
Macaroni and Cheese... NO that's two.. YOU KNOW HOW THE CONVERSATION CONTINUED... they got frustrated and I got tickled. HOWEVER.. I had to ask myself the same question.. WHAT WOULD I CHOOSE?? I like a lot of things... but could I eat them every single day? I love brownie sundaes... but they make my head hurt.. too much EVERYTHING... I like pizza..... but eventually I would feel like I did when Domino's was an option on my meal card at NCSU. So I find myself perplexed. What would I eat? I am thinking the suggestion of one of my student's would be excellent... the potato! A very diverse and underrated foot item. It has gotten a bad rap for years due to its high carbohydrate content. POOR POTATO.. it actually is surprisingly filled with nutrients and a great deal of potassium. All this leads me to one point.. there is no food that would satisfy me every time and every day. The Fruits of the Spirit are enough.. and with these I will be well fed.. I don't want to be like Mick Jagger.. "can't get no satisfaction".. Lord let me be pleased with what I have; where I am; and rely on you for the meeting of my needs and desires!
Gotta' run... my potatoes are boiling!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe

Today I feel like the little old woman who lived in a shoe.. you know the one... she had so many children she did not know what to do.. YEP THAT'S ME!! It is not because I actually have so many children. We have been blessed with two biologically.. and they are wonderful. HOWEVER.. It seems I have kids EVERY WHERE!! The innumerable... HEY MRS. FREEMANs that occur in a weekend are bizarre. Kids I don't even know wave and scream. DON'T GET ME WRONG... I am honored and blessed beyond measure. These young people are our future. They keep me grounded and force me to be real. There is never any pretense or opportunity to play games. I feel for them and continue to ask myself.. how would I want an adult to handle my children? and then I try to do just that. I thank God for all my kids.. my dance babies, my football boys, my cheerleaders, my dance team, my camp kids, my VBS kids, my 1.5 gazillion students from the past 16 years.. GREAT KIDS who have always left their marks on my heart. THANK YOU GOD for each of them and may they be blessed richly!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Don't worry... be happy!

"Be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead!"
- I Peter 1:6

Have you ever had one of those days where you were happy... no matter what? I had one of those today. I did not exactly do anything phenomenal or outstanding. I did not have any life changing surprises or experience exceptionally good luck. I did not create world peace or find cures to deadly diseases. BUT I WAS HAPPY. There was simple joy in the moment. Normal or nothing special was exactly what I needed.. and it was marvelous. You see.. in the absence of greatness was also the absence of misery. The lack of an extreme high also meant an absence of an extreme low.. and it was good and pure and really quite wonderful. For this day.. I am truly glad. I look forward to the continued peace God has granted me and the wonderful joy that is undeniably ahead. May I have the sense to realize it! BLESSINGS MY FRIENDS and JOY is yours for the taking!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Little Boy Laughter

Tonight my home is filled with little boy laughter. It was the same last Saturday night. These are precious sounds and make my heart skip a beat. Reality tells me to pause the sound as all to soon...these sounds will only be echoes in my vacant, lonely home. Little boy laughter usually indicates mischief and mayhem. It could indicate the beginning of a brawl or the chaos of trying to figure out those lovely yet insane creatures known as girls. Little boy laughter comes deep from within and cannot be faked or learned. It is heart felt and cannot be stifled. Little boy laughter is one of nature's gifts and a symphony to my ears. I thank God for little boys and their laughter.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Football Nostalgia?

Today marked the start of our Youth Football League Season. I am so very proud of both of our teams and our excellent cheerleaders. Call me nostalgic, but there is something special about having a sunburned face and no voice because you have screamed ALL day for kids.. your's and other's. The camaraderie that has been established in a matter of three weeks is what it is all about. To watch little boys who are absolutely terrified the first week of practice develop into smiling, winning players is a thing of simple beauty. It is how life SHOULD be.. work hard, play fair, and give your best, hurt a little, smile a lot, and celebrate little successes... YOU ARE A WINNER. These 78 boys are mine for a while and I am already loving each of them. God has placed me in this place at this time... I pray I make the best of the mission I have been given....and maybe... just one day.... these super kids will look back at their time with YFL and call it a blessing!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Let's Dance!!

Tonight I chaperoned my umpteenth hundredth middle school dance. I really don't mind and find it ironic that some things never really change. No matter how lame and easy group dances are... everyone does them! The youngest in attendance run around as if they are searching for something else and the oldest are SO over this entire gig...yet they continue to come. I believe it's cheap entertainment ($5.00 for 2 and 1/2 hours) AND if the odors in the gym and lobby were any indicator... lots of exercise must have taken place. The DJ's did a pretty good job of playing a variety of music and to my MAJOR drama occurred.
The HIGHLIGHT of the night for me was when the majority of the dancing pre-teens rushed the bleachers to dance and scream the old favorite YMCA!! HEY... I thought... I know that one... it was good to feel a part of the craziness. So I thank you Erwin Middle School and your wonderful students. Thank you for giving me a glimpse into my past and for letting me enjoy your fun. NOW...if I could only get the DJs to spin a few Motown Tunes.... my night would be complete!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


In the wonderful and quaint small town we live in, there are two major traditions that our community has definite opinions of. One is the Faith Fourth of July and the other is the Annual Fall County Fair. When asked... the reactions are either.. OH MY GOSH.. I LOVE IT... or such nice reactions as OH MY GOSH.. I HATE IT.. I even pay my kids NOT to go.
This strikes me as funny. Do you have to be from "around here" to think either event is a must-go? Do you think badly of others who fall on the other end of the opinion spectrum? What appeals to you about these events? Is it the people? Is it the food? or Is it the fellowship you seek? OR are you trying to reconnect with days gone by when times were simpler?
PLEASE DON'T GET ME WRONG.. I do not attend these events nor do I judge those that do. Just interesting as a transplant to observe such affairs. Hope your fair week has been a good one... regardless of your spectrum end!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


According to the calendar and all local reports, today marks the official start of Fall. HOWEVER... the buckets of sweat that have saturated my clothing from several hours of out-door duties leads me to the belief that it feels more like July. I think the high for today was 92..WHAT?? 92 degrees? REALLY?? I am ready for some cool, crisp mornings; Fall Festivals; and the idea of a pot of soup sounding like a great dinner rather than an accurate description of my classroom. I want to break out the long sleeves...but not a coat! NOT THAT... not just yet! DON'T GET ME WRONG... I am not complaining... it's just difficult for my "school mind" to get into gear when the weather tells me "it's summer party-time". The conclusion for all this mindless tomfoolery is .... yes, I am spoiled indeed. BUT I AM GRATEFUL to live in a place where SEASONS exist. I AM GRATEFUL to live where I live, surrounded by those I love.... so HOT or NOT!! I am grateful!!
Daniel 2:21
He changes times and seasons;
he removes kings and sets up kings;
he gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to those who have understanding;

Praying for satisfaction and a grateful attitude with whatever HE sends my way!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Family Reunions

Today we went to a family reunion. We also have one next week. In October we have two for my husband's branch of the tree. I admit...I don't always have the enthusiasm I should have for these such occasions. Often you work like a crazy person to prepare for the event and by the time you get there you are exhausted and dreading going home to the mess you left behind. I have to say today's reunion was a no- sweat experience for me. Three Domino's pizzas, a multi-pack of individual chips, and a Food Lion cake were the items I took.. and I brought NOTHING home. I did enjoy looking at old pictures from of my Great-grandparents and find the similarities with those surrounding me really uncanny. One neat thing was I discovered I am related to one of my current students. WHO KNEW??

The thing I guess I should consider is the legacy those before us have left. We are who we are based on the struggles and challenges our grandparents endured. Our work ethic, value system and even in some cases habits are based on their influence. The thing that keeps resounding in my mind is....WHAT am I doing that is worthy of being passed on? Better still...what will Great Grandma Maria be remembered for? This makes my head spin and I have to pray hard to be the person my great-grandchildren deserve. They are going to be world changers.... I just know it.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday Night Confession

Whew... here we are... we have arrived at Saturday Night. The week has been chaotic and jumbled and spent running, running...
....r-u-n-n-i-n-g...wily nilly here and yon. A thought strikes me... I HAVE BECOME IMPATIENT with all things. I do not really know how to relax. My mind is constantly on a nitros induced speeding lap around a track that never seems to end. AND THIS CAUSES ME STRESS. What happened to the times when days seemed to drag along and years never wanted to end? Many elders warned me this would happen. That life would go faster and faster as I aged. They were undeniably right. So I turn the page on the calendar only to be faced with an equally busy and jam-packed week. I hope to take moments each day to de-program and speak pleasantly to my family. I hope to take moments to be still and quiet (at the same time). I hope to take moments each day to PRAISE my God and thank him for the blessings that have become my insane life. I hope to be a good disciple and teach others about HIM through my actions and words. With your prayers... I believe this may be possible. As I type, I feel the shoulders softening and the jaw loosening. Thanks be to God for his answers to prayers.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mother Hen on the War Path

Last night I got really angry. I am still angry if I am honest with myself. Usually when this happens...the motivation comes from some situation where I can't fix the hurt, anger, frustration of my loved ones....especially my boys. When these occasions arise, I consider animals in nature. A mother hen will literally peck another animal to death when she feels her babies are threatened. SAD TO SAY... I totally get it. I am entirely the mother hen...mess with me.. OKAY!!... mess with my kids...NOT OKAY. At these times, I often find myself saying and doing things that are out of character and wonder..who is this woman? Right now...I am going to have to let the anger go. It is not healthy....I have a splitting headache and heart burn that won't quit. I must set my heart straight and PRAY that the evil doers in the world will see the light of the things they do. In the event that they do not, I must focus on the things I can change...and that would only include my attitude. Thanks for letting me I must go straighten up my coop!

Blessings to you. Make it a great day or's up to you!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


At this moment.... I am exhausted. BUT FEAR NOT DEAR ONES.. this is not a gripe session. I started my morning with fantastic friends at McDonald's at 6:45am. I then got the wonderful opportunity to listen to almost 100 young people successfully read Twisted Fairy Tales and understand (mostly) Story Elements. I successfully set up my computer grade book (thanks Chris). After school, I drove thirty minutes for a fifteen minute long meeting..not such a positive thing...but I won't dwell on that one. Quickly, I went to Football, love, love it. THEN.. leaving a few minutes early.. I went to DANCE.. the fastest and most fun hour of the week. I came home and prepared tomorrow night's dinner and washed the practice clothes. I am finishing up the creation of a test for Friday and finally beginning to de-program from the day. WHEW... so yep.. a little tired... brain hyper and completely and totally in-love with my chaotic and insane life. THANK YOU GOD for the day and all it has brought.

May we see the blessings in our business. May we be thankful for the things we got and those that God spared us from getting.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's the Hard Knock Life??

Today, one of my new and lovely Toucan students asked me, "Mrs. you know that song? The Hard Knock Life?" I, of course, and without warning bursted into the song. It made me think...Is my life a hard knock life? Really?
When it comes down to brass tacks... the resounding answer is NO. NOT REALLY. Each night I go to bed I am mostly comfortable, mostly full, and mostly happy. Do I have worries? ABSOLUTELY... but the thing I am learning is that worry will do nothing but make my face have wrinkles, my head hurt, and cause indigestion. The verse "cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7) keeps coming to mind. A wise friend said recently... "we pray to God to heal people and deliver them from evil temptations and addictions, yet we don't trust him to help us pay our bills". OUCH.. that hurt.... the truth often does. So I guess I am just going to keep on praying, keep on believing that my GOD will deliver me, and that hard knocks are a part of life. If you listen to the Annie Soundrack.. you know... come on... sing it with me... THE SUN WILL COME OUT TOMORROW.... Yes Lord, I hear you and believe in you and tomorrow!!

May your hard knocks be blessings and your tomorrows better and better!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Observations from the Run In

If you have not been to a run-in, Quality Mart, 7-11, type of place in a while, I highly recommend you do so. Today (while waiting in the car for my thirsty travelers to grab a few pricey and necessary snacks), I observed the following:
1- a young couple flirtatiously arguing over how to spend their combined $3.00. She wanted a juice type drink, he wanted a soda. The juice won. 2. a gentleman (and I use that term in the most sarcastic tone possible) talking absolute smack to an older man who was a slow gas pumper. Very unimpressive. I am certain his mother raised him better than that. 3. a rather crazy young woman of healthy proportions who stored all of her worldly possessions in her bra. She was quite entertaining as she dug around herself to gather her goods to shop for dinner or men. I am not sure what her intention. 4- a beautiful and very young mother carefully pumping gas and talking to her sweet little baby girl in the back seat. Although she was extremely attentive, I caught her looking around as if she were afraid she might see someone special or maybe in an effort to be a "normal" teenager. 5- People, people, people in a HURRY, HURRY, HURRY.

All this in a matter of five minutes or less. I love to watch people. I often am humbled by their patience, kindness, and genuine goodness. Other times, I find myself grateful to be ME...with all my baggage and dysfunction. I realize things could be better or they could be worse. But more importantly...just to be grateful that I am who I am with what I have right this very minute...while sitting in the Run-in parking lot!

Praying you will find satisfaction at this moment and be glad in who you are.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Today my husband of thirteen years turned forty. We began planning weeks ago for the perfect weekend for our much loved dad and husband. We gave him a cake...filled with rock and roll and ASU Football...just like he likes. We bought him a Bloodhound affectionately called Ruby the Red Freeman. We took him out to eat and TRIED to be on our best behavior. We visited his parents and grandmother and threw in a dose of the in-laws for kicks and giggles. Finally tonight he received a Ipod Nano filled with ALL of his favorite songs...about 500 already. ALL THIS PREPARATION, POMP, AND CIRCUMSTANCE simply to recognize the things we know to be true:
1- Andy is a good person. He often comes across in a gruff manner but we know the things and people he loves... he loves deeply. 2- Andy wants to be successful and does not mind sharing his success with others. He willingly gives credit where it is due. 3- Andy likes to have fun. He is full of himself and wakes up with a loud WOOOO HOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO every morning.
4- Andy wants to make the world a better place. He has high expectations and desires for the world to improve, be better, and realize the numerous blessings God grants us. 5- Andy is a part of our life that we cannot imagine being without. We appreciate his efforts to make our lives more comfortable and happy. For that... we love him deeply.

So on this day...Hats off to you Mr. Shrek.... May the next forty years be filled with blessings beyond your wildest dreams.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Tonight my boys signed up for YFL Football. Their father is one of the coaches for the 3rd and 4th grade team and thier mother is the team mom for both teams. YEP.... we love football. It was great to see our "old" teammates and their families. YOU SEE... we really had a good thing going last year. The kids learned a lot, we won a great number of games, and everyone was there to have fun...NO DRAMA, NO SILLINESS...just pure, old-fashioned, good hearted fun. AND WE SCREAMED OUR HEADS OFF.

I love this "brotherhood" that is emerging. Our families are united and we have one another's backs. It is fun, it is tiring, and we are blessed. I pray this year the tradition will continue. If you are new to the fold...WELCOME...WE ARE GLAD YOU ARE HERE!

So...if you are not busy...and you find yourself cruising by the practice fields at Rockwell School... say a prayer and come over enjoy my world for the next two and one-half months. YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MMMMMMMMUUUUUSSSSSTTTTAAAAAANNNNNNGGGSS!! May God's blessings be yours on and off the field. You make my life a happier place...for that I am truly grateful!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


The start of a school year is stressful. Parents fit into one of two catagories: those that have been with their kids all summer and are READY for a break and those that have been with their kids all summer and are MISERABLE about their leaving. Students are hesitant about going back to school because they have to change and be what the new teacher or teachers need....again stressful. Teachers...those people who appear to be slightly-bi-polar when you see them during summer versus during the school year..are much to do, so much TO DO, SOOOO MUUUUUCCCH TOOOOO DOOOO!! Yes...very stressful. And those on the outside of this insanity can't remember it or don't understand what the big deal is.

At this hour... we have completed day two of our school year. We are much like the young toddler who is searching for safe places to hold on to as we gain the nerve to take one more step away into the great unknown. Our biggest fear...falling (translated into failure). We must learn the rhythm and rhyme of one another and learn to dance an exquisite tango or cha-cha or waltz...depending upon the day and time.

So tonight I give Kudos to all involved in this intricate equation. May your tomorrows be continually better than your todays and may God bless you always.

NOW GO ON...CUTIE PIE...TAKE THAT FIRST STEP!! I will be here to catch you if you fall!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

Today I saw the movie "eat, pray, love". I did not enjoy the book..but really, really liked the movie. Julia Roberts was wonderfully convincing. In one portion, Liz (the main character) visits Italy. While living among the people she gets to see a different way of life. The Italians condemn the American for being too stuck on things and not enjoying the moments we are given. They further say that we don't feel we are entitled to experience pleasure. I have to say this hits home. They giggled and made fun of the fact that we work ourselves into exhaustion only to find ourselves at home on Friday nights in pajamas..and like me..falling asleep before the rented movie even gets good.
SO....the question arises...WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? Perhaps I should take more breaths; experience more moments and genuinely appreciate the fact that I have been given talents that create passion within me. Maybe I will order dessert only and share with those I love most. The movie made me feel be in a place at a time in my life...where peace is pretty easily achieved....NOW...let the passion start flowing.

BLESSINGS ON YOU DEAR ONES.... May your passions be many and your troubles be few!!

Friday, August 13, 2010


Have you ever had a memory that was insanely vivid? Only to return to "the spot" later and learn that perhaps your memory had become shady? This has happened to me this summer. For years, I have told my children about a huge, scary, and fiercely dangerous hill that I dared to ride my bike down each summer. My boys would be spellbound with the stories of the numerous bike wrecks involving cases of peroxide and buckets of tweezer plucked boulders that had been removed from my knees. "Tell it again," Alex would often beg. So.. as we were in my hometown (just the boys and I), we found the hill. As I turned right at the stop sign, my heart skipped a beat...then quickly flatlined with boredom at the fact that THE HIll was not really so big. The boys giggled and I insisted that it was much, much steeper than it appeared. In my mind, I played mental gymnastics..why did I fear THE HILL and why the heck did I wreck so many times? In any event...THE HILL still holds fond memories...however..I think my scarred and discolored knees may make for better illustrations.

TODAY...may you face your hill and be assured by the fact that it was a big deal and survived it dear one!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Mendy the Joy Spreader!!

Tonight I got to go to Zumba! If you have ever been, you know what I am talking about. If you have not...get your sweet hiney to a class...NOW!!
In any event....I get to go with my dear friend, Mendy! The class is awesome..but the time with her is joyful. You see.....Mendy makes others feel good about themselves. She is a great encourager, listener, and has a laugh that is contagious. Mendy makes you feel like you will be truly missed when you are away. I distinctly remember seeing her at Morgan School when my oldest was in Kindergarten. "HEY...I don't know who she is...but I hope Mack gets to have her" rang through my head as everyone who made her acquaintance smiled, laughed, and seemed to be physically uplifted by a moment of Mendy. Little did I blessed I would be to not only have Mack have her for first grade but to later call her friend. I look forward to seeing Mendy and her family on our McWednesday dates and ALWAYS have a better day for the time I have shared with her. She is a joy spreader...and unlike the's a very, very good thing. My hope is to be more Mendy-like upon my return to school. Wherever she is... a party and celebration follows. Thanks be to God for this gift of friendship...don't know what I did to deserve it...but I am certainly grateful!!

NOW.....about that ZUMBA class...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saturday's Solitude

This morning my house is silent. Mack is in Elkin working with Poppy. Andy and Alex have gone to Raleigh to meet a friend. I am here...alone... and getting what I say I always want...A MOMENT OF SILENCE. So then...why is this not much fun? Probably because I find the quiet disturbing. It makes me ponder how life could be. The what if my house was always this quiet questions slam around my brain and I begin to feel a bit panicky. YOU SEE... my noise is my life. The laughter and fussing of little boys, the overly loud television blaring the latest Phineas and Ferb, the loud dog barking at her shadow or a no-see-um, the washing machine and dryer begging us to go back to school so that they too may rest..... You get the picture. Your home is likely this way if you live with any other human. So...I am going to get busy. Attempt to enjoy my quiet time.... and remember to celebrate the noise when it thankfully returns!! HAVE A NOISY DAY WONDERFUL ONES!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Today's JOYS!!

Today I HAD to get up early to go to school in order to schedule 90 or so kids for next year. I must be honest and admit I WAS NOT looking forward to the task. HOWEVER...there was the comfort that my friend and colleague Leslie would be there. I stopped by Sonic on the way and bought our favorite drinks...knowing we would need the sugar and "kick" to get through the horrific and tedious task. THANKFULLY.....Leslie and I found our groove and jammed out the schedules by noon. IT IS BECAUSE SHE IS WONDERFUL. Leslie is a caring and compassionate person and she brings joy into my life. She loves with all she is and hurts when others are hurting. Leslie wants the best for those she cares about and often sacrifices her needs to do for and help others. God allowed me to meet her and I am selfish but so glad that no forces have caused me not to have her company! YOU there was joy... and I could say it was unexpected...but that would be untrue..I KNEW it would be fine...because one of my favorite joy-makers was there to share the task. For Leslie and this day...I am forever grateful. THANKS BE TO GOD FOR YOUR GIFT OF FRIENDSHIP!

My prayer for each of you dear ones is that YOU have your very own Leslie!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Today was Vacation Bible School. I can't help myself..... I love it! I have fond memories of being maybe four or five years old and singing about "This Little Light of Mine" and "Kum Ba Yah" , making playdough (that you could eat) and drinking Grape or Orange Crush that Mr. Bud Kilby would deliver each night. I know we were in the top floor, first door on the right of First Baptist Church North Wilkesboro. My mom and Vickie Caudill were teachers and we had a blast. We would leave each night with a cool mountain evening chill and joy, joy, joy, joy...down in our hearts!!

Later in life I have taught, directed, gamed, decorated, refreshmented.....whatever it takes to make VBS a success. I love meeting children and watching the spirit of God flow through them when you compliment them on their felt, glue, and glitter masterpieces. They are thirsty and open and are willing to let the cleansing waters of Jesus saturate their very being. I love VBS because...I want to return to that childlike innocence...where I hear the Master saying..."little girl..come to me".... and I go! It makes my heart light and fill with joy at the thought that I would actually fall asleep nightly exhausted because I have done HIS will and HIS work.

Tonight I am drained...but the labor has been for a higher cause and one that is WORTHY TO BE PRAISED. Thanks be to God for the blessings he allows us to be through him!! May you be all that HE created you to be!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wanna' be Friends?

I am sitting at the pool on vacation in the lovely North Carolina Mountains. For several days now I have enjoyed watching my children play with a variety of people. People from all ages and walks of life. Our youngest find.....from Dubai..a two year old and our oldest eighty nine year old lady who just lost her husband. Alex is quick to say..."My name is Alex, wanna' be my friend?". This is the greatest statement ever. He loves to play with others. He wants to know from where they come, what they do for fun, and how long they will be staying. When we went to the Weenie and S'more Party this afternoon, I heard.."hey...there is our friend Alex." This was nice. Alex is deserving of the title and the honor that comes along with it. It really is very simple. To have have to first be one. You must show concern for them and their story and listen...really LISTEN!! Alex does these things. I should humble myself and be like Alex. wanna' be my friend?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

New Friends

Were you ever a Girl Scout? I was. I remember a little song we sang...Make new friends....but keep the is silver and the other gold. Tonight I had the honor of meeting some of my husband's friends from "the old days". I will admit...I was a little nervous. I wanted to make a good impression. I wanted them to approve. I wanted him to be proud of the life we have created.

I ended up with an even greater surprise. I really liked the guys. My husband remained true to himself...not changing just because they were around. I saw them raise eyebrows and look at me for my reaction...and received approving smiles when my true self was good enough for them. THIS WAS NICE!

An added bonus...we got ice cream after dinner and walked around the historic district of Sanford, NC. There were kids playing in the city's fountain. Our kids ran races up and down the sidewalks. We window shopped and had conversations about the buildings and the history they likely held. The vibe was fun and old-fashioned...and lovely.

The evening was perfect. Nostalgia may be a side effect of being forty....but I am really okay with this one!!

May you find yourself in perfect evenings...that you never expected!

Monday, July 5, 2010


Today we visited Mema Holbrook at the nursing home. SHE LOOKED GREAT.
I love the fact that she puts on makeup and MUST have a bath every day.
I also love the fact that even tho' she does not love this place.....she is making the best of it.
Since Saturday, she has seen first hand how blessed she is and has the sense to admit it!
I love the fact that she started whispering a little gossip about her roommate.
I love the fact that she is certain she has to go home...
Because she promised Mack and Alex to teach them to make her famous pound cake.
Mema is eighty-eight years old. She reads her Bible every day and has a great
sense of humor. I love it when something really gets to her and she throws her
head back and laughs a laugh that is generated deep within her soul.
She is of sound mind and owes it all to her Word Search and Soduku workbooks.
I pray that at her age (should I live that long)...someone will feel about me...the way
we feel about Mema.
God bless you sweet lady!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Vanilla Days

Tonight I took my family to the Fresh House in Locust. THEY LOVED IT!
I had the grilled pimento cheese sandwich on fresh sourdough was delicious!
My boys (all 3) begged to get up and look around the place while we waited for our food. We could hardly eat our meal for "hey mom...they gotta' see this....."
I had talked about the desserts from my previous visit and all three had to order. One double layer chocolate cake with homemade icing (just like Mema makes); one homemade Reece Cup ice cream; and one homemade vanilla ice cream.
I just had an extra spoon...

The vanilla ice cream was the best. Sometimes life is just like that...the things that we think are going to dazzle us and bring us bountiful joy are well...a little disappointing.
Yet at other times...plain old vanilla...nothing special...nothing spectacular is just what we crave. Life gets complicated and we wallow in self-pity and stress. Maybe..we should shoot for vanilla days...looking for the unexpected yet perfect solution to our need for normalcy and peace. Maybe we should take comfort in the "boring" day where we do nothing...yet nothing interferes with that!

You really need to visit the Fresh House. The bluegrass music and quaint atmosphere is guaranteed to calm your savage soul and I guarantee you will not leave there hungry!
God bless you and your vanilla days!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Hebrews 10:22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith,
having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.

Early this morning we had the joy of going to the lake. We met family members there and
we knew we would have an exciting, exhausting, water filled time. These hopes were certainly

BUT THE THING THAT WAS EVEN BETTER....was the realization that water can renew and refresh
our spirits. The waters of baptism can be revisited when we least expect it. Today when a cool
wave unexpectedly crept over me...I was refreshed and it was wonderful. I thought about the love
of our Heavenly Father to think of every little detail to make our lives better. Water was one of his
first ideas...incredible.

As we returned home, we were met by water from the skies....quick and fainting yet water nonetheless.
Another gentle nudge...another reminder...."I AM here," HE whispers. "Come and spend a moment with me.
You won't regret it."

Water is pure...may my heart become more that way in the days ahead!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Friendship- The Classic Version

"It takes a long time to grow an old friend."
- by John Leonard

Today I spent the day with my friend Ellen.
We met when she was maybe all of three years old (I was close to 10) ...and I have loved her since.
Ellen was the most adorable little girl and grew to be a beautiful woman....right in front of my eyes.
Ellen is the sister I never had....but she could go home and sleep in her own house each night. BONUS!
Ellen is funny....her laugh is contagious and she makes me want to be a better person.

I got to watch Ellen navigate braces, boyfriends, basketball, and bras. I was never prouder than to be asked to be her Matron of Honor when she and Jonathan married. Who knew where those Easter Egg Hunts of 30 years ago would end up?

Ellen worries...not the kind that is neurotic...but that she will be the BEST at whatever she pursues.
This pairs with her motivation and stick- to-it-ive-ness and of course...SHE is successful! and I, I am proud!!
Proud to call her my friend, proud of who she is, and proud of the joy she brings to our sometimes dark world!

Today as my nine and ten year olds delighted in her little ones....I was taken back. To a YMCA Pool that no longer exists and a little girl in yellow and white checked dress with AMAZING blue eyes and an angel kissed forehead... has the friendship passed to another generation? I pray to God that it is so!! dear friend. I say Thank you...for a lifetime of memories and love.
I can't imagine life without you in it! God's blessings on you ALWAYS!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Last night we saw the movie "Grown Ups". It made me think......

Why do we feel the need to act or pretend to be grown up all the time?
How often do we do things because "everybody else does it". That is what little kids do..NOT grown ups.
Grown ups should think for themselves, consider their options, and make a prudent and intelligent move.

Another point the movie made...the fact that our children are not given the honor of playing outside for FUN!. We plug them into every imaginable "organized" activity, play movies for them from our homes to Walmart, and encourage them to desire EVERY video game on the planet. YET...we are horrified when they will not carry on a conversation (WITH REAL WORDS) with us at the dinner table. Technology should be a tool...not a lifeline.

Sooo...I have to get off that soap box....makes my head hurt.

In any event...sometime very soon...unplug, tune in to those you love, do the things you loved to do as a kid, introduce your children to childhood....they ( and you ) will never forget it!

Blessings to you!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Tomorrow is a big day. My "#1 youngest son" will turn nine years old.
Alley Cat came into the world with a bang.
I refused to go to the hospital and wait around for thirty hours as I had done one year and nine days earlier.
NO WAY was I waiting another thirty hour shift at The Miriam Cannon Family Center. AND BESIDES..I really
wanted to finish seeing Jeopardy..I was winning big!
On the way to the hospital..the barometer fell and we encountered torrential rains..nearly wrecking our car.
I checked in at the front desk between contractions about two minutes apart. DEEEEEEP BREATHS were my friend.
Alex was born in triage with a desperate plea for ANYONE from our family practice or their associates to
report to my room NOW!!
I had no medicine and was tickled as could be to meet my second miracle.
Alex has continued to bless my life from that moment onward.
He sees thing with an uncanny imagination. He makes me pretend fully to be the character he assigns me.
This allows me the chance to change perspective and realize that his unsolicited hugs and kisses on my
forehead are HUGE and that stressors of life are minute and frivolous.
Alex is funny. His laughter is a melody that fills our home and makes it complete.
Alex is part me...the pouty, pooched lip child who is not happy when he does not get his way...yet forgets while he
is mad..afraid he will miss something wonderful.
Alex is part his father..never uneasy around a horse and quickly willing to assume you want to meet him. One of his first sentences was" I'm Alex Freeman and....would you like to be my friend?"
Alex is a gift and I am grateful I was chosen to receive him!
God bless you my dear, sweet one!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Laughter! and REALITY!

Last night my mother and I saw the show "Girls Only". IT WAS FABULOUS!
It felt good to laugh. My face hurts. My head hurt last night...from lack of oxygen.
The actresses/ comedians celebrated women. WITH ALL OUR INSANITY!
It was lovely and delightful.
The best part was sharing the fun with my mom. She is the best and I am grateful to have her in my life.
Often as women, we get too caught up in competition and play the 'my problem is bigger than your problem" game....or we have a brag fest about how wonderful things are. GET REAL PEOPLE...if I came to your house right now....would the majority of those things be true...or is it how we WISH things were?
How much better would we be if we admitted our difficulties to one another and helped each other through them?
What if for once we said...I am having a crazy kids are driving me nuts, my husband does not care about what color I want to paint the bathroom, and even the dog does not want my attention.
DID YOU NOT LAUGH? WHY? Because you totally get it...
So my challenge for real...tell the truth..and learn to LAUGH about it!!

Thanks be to God for the women in my force me to be a better person!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Today is Father's Day. I am blessed to have a wonderful father. If you don't know my dad... let me share a bit about him.
He is a smart alec...a little sarcastic. I think I may have gotten that gene...
He is smart. I can never, ever beat him at Jeopardy or Trivial Pursuit (even when I tried to memorize the entire deck of cards).
He is funny and mostly puts on his happy face. I know several nursing units over the past couple of years that have been genuinely sad to see him get better. He does not complain and "grins and bears it" through most trying situations.
My dad is a wonderful encourager. If you ever think you can't do something...his first question will likely be WHY NOT??
My dad is spontaneous. As a kid, he would call Mom and I and tell us to pack a bag...we never knew where we would end up...but he almost always made sure we had a pool. THANKS! He continues this tradition when he "kidnaps" the boys. They always come home with a Papa story!
My dad is talented. He has a gorgeous voice. NO ONE on Earth can sing The Lord's Prayer like he does.
My dad is unique, wonderful, and UNFORGETTABLE!
Do you know him? If need to!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thoughts for Summer

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

This summer, my goal is to make this verse my mantra. My prayer is that through thinking of these things....negativity will have no room in my world. I have been given the gift of time. That time is called summer vacation. Time to reflect, rest, relax, and make lasting memories with my family and friends.

I only have this moment and all too quickly it will vanish. I am required to make it lovely, excellent, filled with honor and worthy of praise. This may be a difficult task..but I think it can be accomplished.

Today is a new day...I am off to make it praise worthy! God's blessings to you and those you love!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

For Jessica

1 Timothy 4:12
Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity. (NLT)

Tonight is my cousin Jessica's high school graduation. I had the pleasure of having lunch with her and her family and could not be prouder of her.
I have memories of this beautiful brown eyed baby eating lemon upon lemon at her Uncle George's wedding rehearsal party. BOY....what faces she could make.
Jessica was cute and funny and lots of fun to play with.
Jessica was the flower girl in our wedding. She was gorgeous and perfect and floated down the aisle as she carefully placed each and every petal.
How can it be that she is nearly eighteen years old? And heading off to college?
I have enjoyed viewing her journey.
I have enjoyed watching her grow.
I am pleased to call her my friend.

I know that God has amazing things on her horizon. She is beautiful. She is intelligent. She is determined and strong.
She has a love for the Lord. I admire who she is and what she stands for.

I love Jessica for all that she has been and all that she will be!
God's blessings sweet girl!! It is your time to shine!!


Today...I was once again myself after a sequence of days which would label me names not very complimentary. Our school changes were announced on Monday and most of us were moved to new rooms. Many were teaching new and undesired subjects and life was a menagerie of chaos followed by conflict sparking what? New chaos? It was an unhealthy and dysfunctional cycle that could not really be broken.

Last night, I gathered on The Patio ( deserves a proper noun demarkation) of a dear friend and vented, laughed, and purged myself of the nasty negativity that inhabited every cell. At 12:30 am when I arrived home, I had a skip in my step and had found that wonderful..."nothing you can do or say to me will bring me down" groove going on.

Today has been fantastic as well. I have clean clothes, a cool home, and the knowledge that Monday there is very little left for me to do to finish the year. I am joyful, full of anticipation of rest and laughter that is sure to come this summer with my boys. I am free...and I thank God for that!

May you find blessings in abundance and troubles within your management level. Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Today was the day before the last day of school. I was supposed to be packing my room to move to another part of the building. I did not do so and am sorry for clogging the well oiled machine of change.
BUT YOU SEE..... this is the thing...I had some very important business to take care of.

Instead, I shared sickly rich morsels of caloric delights with my students. I read to them and entertained them with my crazy antics...just one more time. We laughed and smiled and enjoyed one another as good friends so easily do.

They should have been bonkers...but each time I paused they were spellbound by the novel and begged me to keep reading.

These moments are the ones I will treasure. When they linger and wait around for just one more hug or high five, yelling "BYE MRS. FREEMAN... I love you!! I will come find you in August."

At this moment.... I am satisfied. My weight, messy home, crazy gray hairs, or the fact that world peace does not exist...can not steal my joy! And for this moment...I am thankful to have been blessed to be a teacher. Praise be to God for his unending love and guidance.


"Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep."
Romans 12:15 New King James Version

Tonight my Circle from church went to the Fresh House in Locust, NC.
I highly suggest you go there. IT IS DELIGHTFUL.
Take a large pocketbook. You are going to want to make more than a few purchases.
I am again elated upon return home. WHY? You may ask.
We are a group of women ranging in age from 24 to 79 (I one is telling for sure).
We have a wide array of careers and life experiences that bring opportunity for excellent stories.
We LAUGH LOUDLY when we are together.
We CRY FREELY when we are together.
WE CELEBRATE life's joys and MOURN life's losses.
WE choose to develop relationships with one another.
We are gathered in HIS name.
It is perfect. It is lovely. It is delightful.

“A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.”

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Happy Anniversary

One should never know too precisely whom one has married. ~Friedrich Nietzsche

June 7 is our wedding anniversary. It seems insane that thirteen years could have passed. I find myself saying REALLY? Already?
Through these years there have been many unexpected events. Some certainly wonderful and undeniably blessings. Others..not so wonderful, yet still blessings. The most intriguing thing to me is that I still ask myself..who is that man? He never ceases to surprise me...again in many good ways and still other times not so good.

I know our union was ordered up special by our creator and it is through relying on him that we have been brought to this great occasion. I thank my husband for the many days I have laughed until I cried and cried until I laughed. I pray that he will be blessed and that our life together is a blessing to him. I pray that I find myself saying fifty years....REALLY?? Already?

God bless you dear Shrek. I love you very much!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


This morning the sun is shining on the dog's bucket of water. It is reflecting on the ceiling of my den in an awesome swirl of activity. When I look long enough patterns are repeated. It draws me in and I find myself spellbound by the movement. Occasionally, the reflection is clean and bright and other times is dark and subtle.

I am reminded that reflection is a good thing. I must take a careful introspective look at the person I am and the person I want to be. I need to celebrate my moments of brilliant clarity and critically scrutinize those darker moments. Reflection gives you a lift, a downer, and eventually a plan.....where will I go next? How will I get there? What will I do along the way? How can my life make a greater, more positive impact when I leave others behind?

The most important step in reflection is letting go. Take the good and trash the bad. I've got a plan...and I pray I am led to greatness for me, for those I love, and for those I may have the pleasure of impacting. God bless this great adventure I am calling life!

Go on...pick up your mirror. Celebrate your journey and make a plan!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I love Aretha Franklin. You know...R-E-S-P-E-C-T!!
Oh and who can forget...."You better think..."?

These two songs bring to mind the way we SHOULD react in all situations. I am bothered to discover how little respect
is awarded by adults to adults. I also am concerned at how rarely we THINK before making decisions of how to handle
one another. We all too often jump to conclusions and ONLY desire to see how we are affected by external stimuli.

This time of year is insane in my work environment. Sadly...respect and thinking fall to the wayside and emotionally
charged craziness ensues. Rumors fly, disrespect flourishes...and we damage one another needlessly!

I pray that for the next 12 days I will be the person I always want to be. I pray that adults will act the way we should....or at least the way we expect children to behave! Let's lose the "do as I say not as I do" attitude and take care of one another and LISTEN fully with our hearts!

AND YES....Aretha will have to be stuck on replay in my mind!!

Thank you Motown for your infinite wisdom!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Thoughts from The Couch....the best seat in town.

Tonight I saw the most amazing show. The acoustics were brilliant and every key was played simultaneously. My body quaked with the rumble of the bass notes that built to forte!! The light show was superb...a series of unexpected and amazing images flashed before my eyes. I was spellbound, in awe, and truly mesmerized. Blues, silvers, and sometimes pinks flashed across the sky in undefined geometric patterns.

Tonight I saw a great storm. It was unexpected and delightful. After it ended, there were still remnants that would sneak in and remind me of what had just occurred. I tiptoed onto The Deck and was met by a sprightly breeze that tickled my bare legs and caused a slight chill-laden shiver. The slight drizzle was cool and the waters of baptism.

Tonight I am reminded that God indeed does provide the storms. After a week of insanity....I am ready to accept his blessings of reward for attempting to lean on him and his guidance. Thanks be to God for bringing us through the storms and providing hope for tomorrow...BECAUSE HE LIVES!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gifts from God

TODAY WAS A NEW DAY!! Hope crept back into my life and made me smile and see goodness once again.
I took the opportunity to conference with my students...we laughed, cried, fussed and vented about THE TESTS!!
They are so wise...they knew exactly their shortcomings and even were able to articulate their needs.
We have a game plan and I rejoiced in their smiles and laughter.
They were reassured that they were smart enough; good enough, and dog gone it...people like them...mostly me!

So here we go...Round 2 of THE TESTS...
just remember my lovelies...YELLOW IS THE WORD!! You've got it!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Today I am sad. I do not like it.
I am sad that I could not take away the pained look in my lovelies eyes as they see their EOG "faliures".
I am sad because THEY ARE WONDERFUL and I love them and they do not deserve this insanity.
I am sad that tests have become more important than teaching and learning...really more important than people.
I am sad that my magic wand is broken.
I am sad to feel that I have failed.
I am sad that I must put on my happy face when I really want to hug these babies and cry until we feel better!
I am sad that someone thinks I can fix the wrongs in two days time.
I am sad that I cannot!
YES... I am sad.
And I do not like it.

Monday, May 24, 2010


I used to be organized. I knew where everything was and it had its place and would ALWAYS be right where I left it.
Instead...I spend my time listening to children who worry about tests that scare them, parents that don't value them, and silly, seemingly insignificant events in their lives....that are really big deals to them.
I hug on stinky pre-teens and admire their new braces and glasses.
I shop for groceries and do laundry for the best boys on the planet...all 3!
I pay bills and carefully scrutinize the leftover pennies.
I accumulate clothing that little boys grow out of way too quickly. I try to share with others...quickly!!
I read books for fun.
I make sure the house is cleanish.
I provide for the dog...and she loves me.
I pray for those who are hurting and lost.
I fuss about the "mess" that is everywhere.
I DON'T BOTHER ORGANIZING....there will be time for that later...
but for just is not important..
I am really, really okay with it!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Anticipation is one of my favorite words. I love that feeling that something wonderful is on the horizon. I get excited, antsy, and downright giddy. I can't sleep and wake up earlier than usual...yet somehow feel refreshed and READY TO GO. (Note.....I was not born a morning person....however God has granted me the opportunity to hone those skills with three early risers for housemates).

I had the opportunity to spend yesterday with my Church Circle of Ladies. IT WAS FUN! IT WAS RATHER CHEAP!! IT WAS DELIGHTUL! These ladies present unique perspectives and talents. They never seem to tire of my company and they offer nuggets of wisdom that I file away for another day. On paper...there seems to be no common ground....except for our love of Jesus Christ. As I type this I am struck...WHAT BETTER COMMON GROUND TO HAVE? If two or more are gathered in his name...there is love....HIS LOVE.. and it is wonderful!

Just for today... I am savoring the anticipation of things to come this week. I am anxiously awaiting the good that will develop and how with his help and my faith...the week will be blessing filled.

Just in case things don't go as I hope..... I am already anticipating June next Circle Meeting. Thank you God for each of these ladies who I dearly need in my life. They are each miracles, masterpieces, and my friends. For them....and HIM.... I am thankful!!

Blessings to you!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Psalm 30:11
You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,

MY GOD IS GOOD AND POWERFUL!! For that I am thankful!!
Today was a better day! For that....... I am thankful!
Tonight I got to go to dance. For that.... I am thankful!
I asked for prayers and HIS people responded. For that....I am thankful!
The prayers touched my heart and provided me a hedge of protection from evil.....For that..... I am thankful!
My wailing from less than 24 hours ago was turned to dancing. For that..... I am thankful!
I was granted the chance to have the cumbersome, stench-ladened sackcloth removed. For that.... I am thankful!

I am indeed thankful to be free to praise my God, beg for HIS forgiveness, and live in the faith that HE will carry me through ALL situations he allows me to enter. I raise my hands in thanksgiving and feel my itchy feet give him all the honor and glory!!!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday's Tirade?

Psalm 37:7-9
Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper—it only leads to harm. For the wicked will be destroyed, but those who trust in the Lord will possess the land. (NLT)

BE STILL? WAIT PATIENTLY!! These are the most challenging things for me in my daily walk. When these two issues are challenged..I become angry and then do what? BECOME RAGE-FILLED!! I am pretty sure this verse was written straight for me.... It probably is highlighted in every Bible with a huge footnote that says...See Maria Freeman.

Today I am challenged. I am in need of prayer! I must repent for the sinful nature I have allowed to encompass me. I have been "ugly" about situations that REALLY WON'T MATTER two days or two weeks (much less two years) from now! For this...I am sorry! MY GOD blesses me so fully. He cares for me greatly and takes care of me even when I don't folllow his commands and turn to HIS word in times of trials. For those who have been with me today, I am thankful for you! I know that you share my crazy journey and I know that God put you right here right now to get me back on the path I should be on! Tomorrow is a new day! I am going to turn this over to God. HE has it perfectly planned....maybe I should BE STILL AND PATIENT! and TRUST IN THE LORD!!

Blessings to you!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday's Solitude?

This morning I am sick and not at church! It feels odd. My home is quiet and lonely. I am shaming myself for eating a #1 Combo from Wendy's at 11:30 last night and heading straight off to bed. Only to be awakened quickly by the need to purge myself of that bad choice.

Does quiet bother you? Sometimes it makes me insane. I begin to notice things that cause my ADHD to spin out of control. For example, I hear the TRANE heating and cooling system struggle to gather the energy to begin its daily grind of keeping me cool or warm..whatever my mood dictates. I notice that the "silent" dishwasher really is not silent at all. I observe a suicidal bird flinging itself against my back glass door..please stop you silly little creature. You are going to hurt yourself. And why you are at it....quit using the bathroom on my deck furniture... would you??

All this quiet makes me stop and appreciate the every day noises I take for granted. My boys arguing over the remote control. The fact that we only have one tv. The laughter rich environment I immerse myself in upon entry into our humble home. The excited messages from grandparents wanting only for us to call them back. And when doing so...the excitement and joy that echos through the phone lines.... just from hearing our voices. The pantry doors flinging open and there being adequate food to fill our urging stomachs. My boys whispers I eaves drop on as they share secrets and silliness before drifting off to sleep. The lovely symphony of snoring that means my boys (all three) are resting well and will be prepared for the following day's challenges. My noise is good. My noise is a blessing. My noise is my life....and for my noise I am grateful!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday's Tone?

Today I am troubled, stressed, anxiety filled...and why? Could it be the wonderful EOG tests that are looming on the horizons? or perhaps the sadness I see in my eight year old's eyes as he admits he is scared of these same tests? or the fact that his dog has gone missing? "Is she dead mommy" ringing incessantly in my ears?

To combat this stress.. I am going to redirect my mind to a little tomfoolery... with rhetorical questions.

What would you do with one million dollars?
What are your wildest dreams? What is stopping you from reaching them?
What are your worst habits? Why do you hold on to them?
What do you value most in your life?
What is the best place you have ever visited? food you've ever eaten? laugh you have ever experienced?
How will you be remembered?
When are you happiest?
What has been your worst day to date?
How do others view you?
What music speaks to you?
When was the last time you cried? What motivated your tears?
Is TV the work of the devil?
What is your biggest regret?
Do you ever miss the one that got away? WHY?? Was it something about them or how you were at that time?
What makes you sad? Can you do anything about that situation?
Are idle hands the work of the devil?
Why on EARTH are these questions spewing so easily from my finger tips?

Okay...enough of this insane indulgence!
Happy Tuesday to you all!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday's Mayhem

Today was a Monday. It was nice, serene, and peaceful (for the most part). THEN...I got out of school. I encountered a frustrated husband, frustrated children, and nothing special for dinner. Have you ever had one of those days where you work really hard to "be all you can be".....only to face those who you want more than anything in the world to be with.....yet ....everything goes to crap, feelings are raw and overall... it just does not work out. You feel like a lamb led to slaughter!

I read in Reader's Digest today that you should treat your husband and children like special guests in your home. The ones that you can not sleep nights before their arrival due to excitement, the ones you create exceptional meals and delightful desserts for. The ones you use the pretty towels and good china with. This made me much better my household might run if these things were true. OF COURSE...there is the temptation to say...well sure .....if only....but.. I can't .. BUT WHY NOT?

I have 20 some odd days left of this school year. Those days are not guaranteed nor are any moments much past this one. I think
Ria's Bed and Breakfast may be opening soon. I have the most wonderful guests coming. They are funny and quirky and weird and I love them insanely. TV and screen time may have to be limited to get all my duties completed as Inn Keeper. I am praying that my investment of time will have unknown effects. Realizing today that I can not control my destiny....but I can influence my legacy has made me light hearted and hopeful. Hmmm.....gotta' go get those "fancy" towels out of my storage building!! Call and make your reservation with me if you will.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day. I am grateful to be a mother. I am grateful to have a wonderful mother. I am grateful to have had motherly women of influence in my lifetime.
I am sad to consider how many people NEVER get that experience.

Mothers are the people who believe in us. They NEVER want to believe we have flaws and always, always look for our redemptive qualities. Mothers listen to us drawn on and on about our latest and greatest discovery (one they made twenty or more years ago). They fix our boo-boos and weep when our hearts are broken. Mothers delight in our cards, letters, phone calls, and now emails. They anticipate our arrivals and despise our departures. Mothers defend us and praise our tiniest of successes. Mothers are phenomenal, gracious, grateful, unselfish and loving. ThanK GOD for Mothers and their influence. Blessings to you!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Today was a Thursday. Not quite a Friday and certainly not a Monday. A colleague calls Thursdays..... Friday Eve. I like that optimistic thinking! I really wish I could get excited about Mondays. It just has not happened for me...YET!! Let me clarify..I don't hate Mondays because I have to go back to work. I don't hate my job. I don't hate the people I work with. I simply hate the fact that Monday means leaving my family and the insanity we love. Sundays are filled with church and naps and pizza for dinner and books and fun like that. Maybe I should take a different view...Monday is actually one day closer to Friday. Monday should make me grateful for the fact that I got to have a Saturday and Sunday and God willing another pair in just a few days!

But for now...I am going out to The Deck. I am gonna' wash away this week's pollen collection. AND YES... I am going to celebrate the fact that Saturday is on it's way! I will be listening for your arrival!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco de Mayo?

So.. I heard on the radio this morning that more Americans celebrate Cinco de Mayo than any population anywhere in the world. This made me laugh...sort of. Cinco de Mayo is not like the American Fourth of July. Mexico's Independence Day is September 16. Cinco de Mayo actually commemorates a Mexican Victory over the French in the Battle of Puebla in 1862. Who knew??

Funny how we will CELEBRATE anything in America except for the things that have real meaning! Do we throw a neighborhood party when we have a healthy report from the doctor? Do we cook a special meal when our children can safely play in our yards free from violence and criminal activity? Do we make huge preparations and spend endless hours making favors for the right to worship freely at churches of our choice?! We are spoiled lot. We expect more and more and never want to "pay the piper". THE LITTLE THINGS MATTER MOST FOLKS.

Don't get me wrong.. I love the fact the America is still a "melting pot". I enjoy every holiday and will celebrate with the best of them. In my class, sometimes we have to celebrate the fact that we are all breathing! Candy, anyone?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tuesday's Trip

Today was Election Day. We were supposed to be out of school, but due to snow and rain and floods...we had a make-up day. EXCEPT for the Freemans. Alex still had a fever and an unnerving red rash across his cheeks and forehead. Mack "snuck" into the hot, fresh blueberry muffins...that were Fiber One brand. Needless to say..he had a tummy ache. We did go to the doctor and I have to say...THANK YOU to Dr. Kelly. I appreciate his humor and willingness to explore past the obvious. It also lightened my heart when he joined in and sang "Hot Blooded" when he asked "Alex..Do you have a fever?" Alex answered "of one hundred and three?" YOU KNOW THE SONG!! We discovered STREP is causing Alex's rash and fever. WHO KNEW?

We also spent the afternoon running errands for Andy and the business. I AM EXHAUSTED and wonder if I would feel this tired all the time if I did not work outside the home. I applaud "stay-at-home" moms. Yet, really doubt that name is appropriate. If you are like I was may actually be "at home" less than I am. I also applaud folks whose primary job is to deal with sick and crabby people. In my travels today, I was greeted with numerous smiles and cordial greetings. This was nice and not quite expected.

I am praying that tomorrow brings no fevers, no tummy aches, and lots of excellent learning for all. I will remember to appreciate the "normalcy" of my life and be thankful for no chaos. Blessings to all!! and may you find joy..even in desperation!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Superb Saturday

Today I had the honor of sharing the day with my almost ten year old son. We went to Reynolda House Historical Bungalo and Gardens. We saw an art exhibit. We went to a double decker sporting goods store. We ate popcorn for lunch. We went to a craft store. We met my father for dinner. We have just finished creating an amazing leather and bead Indian Choker Necklace. It was indeed a superb Saturday.

Today I was reminded of these things about Mack. He is delightful. He is unique. He is part me and part his father. He loves life. He makes my heart sing. He HATES frustration. He will not quit. He acts like he thinks he knows everything. He is smart enough to know he does not know everything...sometimes. He still needs his mama. He wants to do the right thing. He is still...a boy. He likes to sing and be silly. He is a joy spreader. He is mine for a limited time...that makes me sad. YET oh so grateful that God allowed me this opportunity.

God bless him (always) and you (as well) if you have ever had the pleasure of his company!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Lunchtime Revelation

Today I had the pleasure of having lunch with a student I taught last year. He was my "project". You see, he had failed everything in life. He was repeating sixth grade and had little or no home support. He did nothing. He hated school. He had no friends. We made a bet last year that IF he would do a book report, I would do cartwheels. A bet I knew I would never have to pay. WRONG!! but that's another story.

Recently, we made another deal. You see, this child would meet my expectations. I don't know why...he just would. The details were simple. He would behave for another teacher for two whole weeks. This was a difficult challenge and much more excruciating than it sounds. This morning as he passed my class I said.."hey, what's your favorite pizza?" "Supreme" he replied. Of course I thought. I frantically ran around checking to make certain that his self-reports of good behavior were true. THEY WERE! Hooray!

So...he dropped by my classroom on his way to lunch (as he often does) to encounter a Domino's Pizza just for him. We sat and talked and shared lunch and laughter. He seemed a little uneasy at first...but with the first bite of lunch and an effervescent pop of his coke can... a new child was revealed. He stopped being that gawky, awkward "nobody" and became my student, my friend. We spoke of testing and fears and summer days on the horizon. He talked about what he had done right and unintentionally revealed his need for acceptance. HE wants to be liked. HE wants to be believed in. HE wants to be loved.

So I am challenged, once again, to look past exterior facades and search for inward value and beauty in others. Each of us wants to be valued and cherished. It's nice to matter and be affirmed. Do you have a "project"? Get one today. I guarantee you will be the one who is blessed.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday Tuneday

The sunshine was out! It was a blessing! For those of you who have seen me in the past six years, you know that my hair is WILDER than ever. Thanks to birthing two angels and mid-life has a mind of its own. As I came out of school, I realized that my eyes were not being attacked by pollen and I sauntered to my car. When I got in, Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar on Me" was playing and I was instantly 18 again. I slowly pulled out of the parking lot and acted like a grown up. Carefully and cautiously (with hands at 10 and 2, I progressed to the stop light and then thought....who am I kidding? All four windows raced into their cocoons and the stereo cranked itself to an unhealthy decibel level. I could not help it. My hair was sucked out the sun roof and I sang at the TOP OF MY LUNGS!! It was fun, free, and perfectly legal. I did not bother another person, I did not deplete the ozone, and I did not have to check for fat, fiber, and cholesterol content. IT WAS GLORIOUS! It was majestic! It was DYN-O-MITE!!!

I really enjoyed myself. I will probably do it again. So if you see me looking a little wind-blown, smile to yourself, laugh if you'd like... I am busy being 18!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday's Wonder

Today...we had a student complaining about her shoe causing her foot to hurt. I was shocked, horrified, and bumfuzzeled to learn that she had a dead mouse in her shoe. THIS TRULY CAUSED ME TO WONDER...
How did the mouse get there?
Was it alive when she put the shoe on?
Why did she never check in her shoe before 2:00?
Where did the mouse enter the shoe? at school? at home?
Is this normal for her and her living conditions?

Although I have never been clinically diagnosed with understand completely my bizarre mind's wanderings as I share just a glimpse of the mental gymnastics I experience every day! Thanks for loving me anyway!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 worst enemy

Frustration is indeed my worst enemy. It drags me kicking and screaming into dark places and disallows me to experience joy. The inability to fix the person, thing, or situation truly drives me insane. I say things I should not, do things I should not, and am basically the "bad" person that lies hidden deep inside. Frustration blinds me from seeing the potential good, the possibilities, and the smiley faces that riddle most situations. Frustration knows my weaknesses and has no desire whatsoever to play fair. Thank God my enemy frustration only visits fleetingly. To conquer frustration is my Gold medal, my marathon, my debut on the stage of Radio City Music Hall.

My goal for tomorrow....NOT let Frustration into my world.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday's Musing

Tonight I have writer's block. NOT REALLY KNOWING WHAT TO WRITE.. Most things that come to mind are negative and not really worth placing on the internet...much less into the atmosphere. SO...I will just generate a list of blessings:

1- Family. TOTALLY INCLUSIVE of those I share blood lines with and those we lovingly of the heart!
2- Laughter. The best cure for whatever ails me!
3- Forgiveness. From the beginning, when Christ died on the just today...when I mistakenly accused a student of having the wrong book.
4- Sight. Both literal and also the ability to see connections in life's choices and how everything worked out...just as it was supposed to.
5- Wonder. The inquisitive nature born into us. The ability for a 40 year old mother to consider that she may actually be a published author.

For these and the fact that I have been blessed in far greater ways than I ever deserved, thank you God.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Words.....So much more!

I was asked once...what are your favorite words? The obvious were God, love, family, friends. You know the drill. But tonight I am contemplative. I am pondering the inquisition that makes my mind whirl. I really like the word possibility. This powerful word suggests hope and brighter days to come. I also like anticipation. The guarantee of something delightful, delicious, and esoterically beautiful. I can identify with loathe because nice Baptist girls in the South are not supposed to hate anything. Enamored suggests mischief and curiosity of deed. Passion.....well nice Baptist girls in the South are not supposed to talk about that one either. Yet leads me to blush..which I surprisingly often do. Overall....I am a linguist. A lover of words. A nerdy geek who keeps cards and letters....just to read them an infinite number of times and affirm that my life has meaning and is being well lived.

Perhaps the word I find most comfort in is learner. When I am that word, I am free to make mistakes, ask questions, and not be expected to be perfect. It is in that word, that I explore, analyze, and formulate my own path to understanding. I discover freedom and support and the right to be wrong. If successful with the task of learning, I become conquerer, graduate, master, expert, wise, and worthy. Throughout this process, I encompass joy....and it dear ones is good.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday's Shenanigans

Tonight we had the honor of being invited to the Trexler's Annual Fish Fry. Excellent deep fried delights and endless "sweet tea". There were diverse people in droves. The youngest... a hairbanned little pink fluff ball...the oldest....hmm.....not quite sure. The common thread..EVERYONE had a great time. The rain poured down onto the tinkling tin roof and the band played a little louder. Whenever there was a pause in the music, laughter filled the air and it was lovley. I am certain the Trexlers spent countless hours preparing for the event, exhaustion sneaking across their faces....yet they genuinely seemed pleased that everyone came. In true Trexler fashion, they smiled and hugged, and shook hands and patted backs. Even me...the transplant was made to feel that the evening might just have not been complete had we not been there.

I have been blessed and pray that my hospitality to others could be Trexler like in the future. Thanks be to God for this family and all they mean to so very many!

Alex's quote of the night.."Only 364 days 'till we get to go again".. and that friends...says it all!

Friday, April 23, 2010


Author's Note.. the following is not written in hate, disgust, or ill intent to any individual. They are simply heart-felt words from a passionate teacher who is honored to hold such a prestigious and influential position.

We are entering the season called EOGs (eee--oh--geez)
Will someone, somewhere please tell me, please?
What good this is this magnanimous test
That gives me stress and little rest?
It makes my students shiver in fear
They worry and beg..."get me out of here!"
It's a number, a formula, a wicked little score
And I am told teach the test, not children any more
My heart truly aches when they give their utmost best
AND I have to am failed the test
They are devastated and heartbroken, forsaken and crushed
And plead, Mrs. Freeman, but I have learned so very much!
I have new friends and teachers who love me as I am
But the test tells me I am stupid and not worth a damn
This year I've read books and laughed and loved and smiled
You've told me my life is really worth-while!
I'm sorry Mrs. Freeman, please don't be mad
I hate that I am a rotten kid and nothing but bad.
NO CHILD don't you worry for you are the best
I don't care AT ALL about some silly test
You are a miracle, a masterpiece, it's true
And no matter the score, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU
So forget about the test and learn all you can
NO EOGs were ever in God's perfect plan!

Thursday's Thoughts

Tonight I took my youngest son roller skating with his school. It must be true of all "rings" or "rinks" (depending upon where you live), that the music is ALWAYS loud and of a poorish quality and the floors are difficult for aging eyes too discern as level.

Think about have paid hard-earned money to use shoes that have Heaven knows how many fungai growing in them and typical Southern go round and round in a circle. (Like NASCAR, eh?).

BUT HERE'S THE our little ones go round and round...we can't wait for them to fly by again. They wave and smile or just give the obligatory too-cool big-kid nod.. and our hearts soar. We worry if too much time elapses between passes. We squirm on our bench and cringe with every muscle as fatality after fatality is avoided. We giggle out loud at their awkwardness, spastic cat and mouse games of tag, and the ever popular ATTEMPT to dance on skates.

So...despite total exhaustion from a week riddled with "Adult Stuff"...You betcha' Alex....we certainly can come next time! I would say that was the best $4.00 I have spent all week!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday's Wit

Today was know.... when you are TRYING to be nice, TRYING to remain patient, and TRYING not to choke the crap out of somebody! THEN...I get to go to dance. At precisely 7:15~ (okay maybe not, we are adults with responsibilities) I don my lovely size 11 tap shoes. They represent freedom and memories that are not tarnished or fading. When I approach the bar, I really try to avoid the mirrors that used to bring me such delight as a wee dancer. In those mirrors, I was the star. There were no other dancers in the class..nope...not one! My teacher only taught me..she praised only me...she delighted in me! (NOT REALLY...I know there were likely 20 or so other perfect starts among me. BUT thank you so much Miss Margie for allowing me to live this fantasy).

TODAY...when my feet are challenged to recall steps and replicate sounds learned 30+ years ago...I am the one who is delighted. When I nail the double pull back (with aging joints and way too many pounds all around) I AM SUCCESSFUL. This brings me joy, elation, and peace. I still have it and nobody can take it away from me. The shoes represent security and pure happiness. In these stolen moments, I escape the daily grind and find myself again. I am once again the star. I am perfectly and wonderfully made. AND FOR THIS MOMENT and all my many blessings, I am truly, truly grateful!

May you dance your own dance...go ahead nobody is watching! YOU ARE A STAR!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Weather Fickleness

Today as I served gate duty at our baseball game, I felt rain drops. Each fan that passed through commented about how they hoped it did not rain...yet being realists they carried umbrellas, rain coats, and often blankets. I personally prayed little prayers of thanksgiving for those tiny-teensy drops that landed on my money box. Last week...some of the same people complained about needing shaded ticket booths and industrial strength fans so we would not get so hot.

I think we are simply fickle when it comes to weather. It reminds me of my sixth grade girls who ALWAYS want whatever they don't have in regards to their hair. I am grateful to live in a lovely place that affords me variety in weather. I love the fact that we have seasons...despite the fact that their lines of demarkation have become a little fluid. It annoys yet thrills me to have to "trade out" seasonal clothing to fit the weather. Which reminds me....gotta' do that this weekend!

I am probably going to face cool, humid, damp conditions in the morning....rather than complain..I am going to be thankful for the change and try not to worry about my hair as my shallow yet lovley6th grader ladies would.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday's Mischief

Today was a day....I escaped near death when my computer monitor crashed to the floor. Thanks be to God it did not break..only the keyboard wiring guts came out in my hand. SOOOOO.. I got a new one. (Thanks Chris!) It is super nice and pristine. When I installed it, it gave me a free tutorial on each and every key. This made me think...sometimes it is good and necessary to redo, from scratch, the things we have done a million times before.

Later I had the pleasure of meeting some future Erwin Eagles. A fresh batch.. a chance to do over... a Mulligan in my teaching career....WOW...what a gift!

STILL LATER...Faculty meeting. This was about our optional Cafeteria Benefits Plan. I opt not to use this because we are blessed with good health. However...I was struck by the rules and regulations of Insurance. Did you know...if you purchase a Cancer plan and commit suicide (whether sane or insane) you cannot recieve in-hospital benefits? REALLY? I pray when this life ends..I won't need to spend unnecessary days in the hospital.

LATER STILL....PTA. Our eighth grade chorus sang. I love to hear them. Our music teacher is a joy to watch and you can tell on the students' faces when she is pleased. Great kids, great teacher means GREATNESS!!!

FINALLY...I am home. I have just failed a Quiz my son gave me about North Carolina and our many travel destinations. I think that is hilarious. My mom taught NC HIstory for a gazillion years, I had to take NC History eight times in my life, and I even taught 4th grade for a year. JUST GOES TO's never too early to admit your ignorance and the BEST thing is I can change it!

So the evening is drawing to a close...mischief is indeed the word of the day. I have done no harm (well much) and Life is good. Hope you had an above the line, better than average day yourselves!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday Thoughts

Sometimes I feel like remember him don't you? He really believed his terrible, horrible, rotten, no good day would be better if he only moved to Australia. So I am tempted to call ANYONE in Australia and you all really not have bad days there? Are the rotten people and events magically erased once you enter the southern hemisphere? IF SO....why don't you have an illegal alien problem?

Everyone has their thing. The thing that worries them, makes them sad, makes the angry, frustrates them or just is a plane nuisance. Rather than try to win a "my dog's bigger than your dog" contest and outdo one anothers' things...why don't we just throw them into a huge stew pot and celebrate the fact that we have managed to get through, over, and past many previous things?

God's grace is sufficient. When we call upon the name of the Lord, he answers. We turn these answers into things when we lose faith and do not trust him to know what we need. This week...I am busy...and my goal is to celebrate the things as they come to me. Satan get behind me...I got some celebrating to do!!

Blessings to each of you!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

View from The Deck

So this morning I have stolen a few moments on The Deck. The Deck deserves capitalization due to the fact that it is an entity of its very own. The Deck was built by my father in law with materials purchased by my mother. It was an anniversary gift and I LOVE IT! It is obnoxiously oversized for my modest home and holds a plethora of memories. Each year I attempt to "upgrade" and add a little something something to The Deck. inner Martha does not believe in it ends up being a menagerie of eclectic insanity. Today The Deck got its spring washdown. As I soaked up the sun and hosed down The Deck, I was reminded of the fun we have had. Several kids' parties full of shrill screams and spilled sodas. Quiet fall nights with a fire and blankets. Summer scents of grilling and laughter filled water gun fights. The latest on the list of accomplishments for The Deck is "hair cuttin' station". In an effort to save money, my lovely husband purchased an incredible set of industrial clippers for my use on his and the boys' heads. We gather on The Deck and prepare for metamorphosis. I am gaining knowledge about the patterns of hair, cow-licks, waves, and texture of each and every hair on their precious heads. I sometimes do very well and other times..well not so well. In any event, this morning as I sheered, buzzed, and perfected my "art", I could not help but think of God who knows each and every hair on our heads before even our parents know we exist. I am overwhelmed that he cares enough to LOVE ALL OF US that much. So I will strive to be a better barber on The Deck. I will love every curly, wavy, gray, brown, blond, gray (yes there seem to be more and more of those these days) on my head! I will take pride in The Deck and continue to make memories....
Gotta' run.....praying that you are pulling in the driveway...join me on The Deck...there is always room!

Friday, April 16, 2010


Today I ordered Domino's from work and never spoke to a human. It was surprisingly delivered right on time and again (surprisingly) was very good.

While I navigated the Domino's site I found the company had "new and improved" pizza. This struck me as they realized how their former pizza was DISGUSTING and card-board-esque. They (unlike me) listened to their critics and actually did something about it. I guess the lesson learned is.... if people around me love me enough to share my shortcomings, perhaps I should listen. They know me well and want whats best for them....a better me. So my challenge this weekend is to listen with my brain rather than my heart and maybe take a few baby steps toward positive change. Now my big what kind of crust shall I be?

Hoorah Domino's and hoorah those willing to self-reflect and become better!