Saturday, September 25, 2010

Football Nostalgia?

Today marked the start of our Youth Football League Season. I am so very proud of both of our teams and our excellent cheerleaders. Call me nostalgic, but there is something special about having a sunburned face and no voice because you have screamed ALL day for kids.. your's and other's. The camaraderie that has been established in a matter of three weeks is what it is all about. To watch little boys who are absolutely terrified the first week of practice develop into smiling, winning players is a thing of simple beauty. It is how life SHOULD be.. work hard, play fair, and give your best, hurt a little, smile a lot, and celebrate little successes... YOU ARE A WINNER. These 78 boys are mine for a while and I am already loving each of them. God has placed me in this place at this time... I pray I make the best of the mission I have been given....and maybe... just one day.... these super kids will look back at their time with YFL and call it a blessing!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Let's Dance!!

Tonight I chaperoned my umpteenth hundredth middle school dance. I really don't mind and find it ironic that some things never really change. No matter how lame and easy group dances are... everyone does them! The youngest in attendance run around as if they are searching for something else and the oldest are SO over this entire gig...yet they continue to come. I believe it's cheap entertainment ($5.00 for 2 and 1/2 hours) AND if the odors in the gym and lobby were any indicator... lots of exercise must have taken place. The DJ's did a pretty good job of playing a variety of music and to my MAJOR drama occurred.
The HIGHLIGHT of the night for me was when the majority of the dancing pre-teens rushed the bleachers to dance and scream the old favorite YMCA!! HEY... I thought... I know that one... it was good to feel a part of the craziness. So I thank you Erwin Middle School and your wonderful students. Thank you for giving me a glimpse into my past and for letting me enjoy your fun. NOW...if I could only get the DJs to spin a few Motown Tunes.... my night would be complete!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


In the wonderful and quaint small town we live in, there are two major traditions that our community has definite opinions of. One is the Faith Fourth of July and the other is the Annual Fall County Fair. When asked... the reactions are either.. OH MY GOSH.. I LOVE IT... or such nice reactions as OH MY GOSH.. I HATE IT.. I even pay my kids NOT to go.
This strikes me as funny. Do you have to be from "around here" to think either event is a must-go? Do you think badly of others who fall on the other end of the opinion spectrum? What appeals to you about these events? Is it the people? Is it the food? or Is it the fellowship you seek? OR are you trying to reconnect with days gone by when times were simpler?
PLEASE DON'T GET ME WRONG.. I do not attend these events nor do I judge those that do. Just interesting as a transplant to observe such affairs. Hope your fair week has been a good one... regardless of your spectrum end!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


According to the calendar and all local reports, today marks the official start of Fall. HOWEVER... the buckets of sweat that have saturated my clothing from several hours of out-door duties leads me to the belief that it feels more like July. I think the high for today was 92..WHAT?? 92 degrees? REALLY?? I am ready for some cool, crisp mornings; Fall Festivals; and the idea of a pot of soup sounding like a great dinner rather than an accurate description of my classroom. I want to break out the long sleeves...but not a coat! NOT THAT... not just yet! DON'T GET ME WRONG... I am not complaining... it's just difficult for my "school mind" to get into gear when the weather tells me "it's summer party-time". The conclusion for all this mindless tomfoolery is .... yes, I am spoiled indeed. BUT I AM GRATEFUL to live in a place where SEASONS exist. I AM GRATEFUL to live where I live, surrounded by those I love.... so HOT or NOT!! I am grateful!!
Daniel 2:21
He changes times and seasons;
he removes kings and sets up kings;
he gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to those who have understanding;

Praying for satisfaction and a grateful attitude with whatever HE sends my way!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Family Reunions

Today we went to a family reunion. We also have one next week. In October we have two for my husband's branch of the tree. I admit...I don't always have the enthusiasm I should have for these such occasions. Often you work like a crazy person to prepare for the event and by the time you get there you are exhausted and dreading going home to the mess you left behind. I have to say today's reunion was a no- sweat experience for me. Three Domino's pizzas, a multi-pack of individual chips, and a Food Lion cake were the items I took.. and I brought NOTHING home. I did enjoy looking at old pictures from of my Great-grandparents and find the similarities with those surrounding me really uncanny. One neat thing was I discovered I am related to one of my current students. WHO KNEW??

The thing I guess I should consider is the legacy those before us have left. We are who we are based on the struggles and challenges our grandparents endured. Our work ethic, value system and even in some cases habits are based on their influence. The thing that keeps resounding in my mind is....WHAT am I doing that is worthy of being passed on? Better still...what will Great Grandma Maria be remembered for? This makes my head spin and I have to pray hard to be the person my great-grandchildren deserve. They are going to be world changers.... I just know it.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday Night Confession

Whew... here we are... we have arrived at Saturday Night. The week has been chaotic and jumbled and spent running, running...
....r-u-n-n-i-n-g...wily nilly here and yon. A thought strikes me... I HAVE BECOME IMPATIENT with all things. I do not really know how to relax. My mind is constantly on a nitros induced speeding lap around a track that never seems to end. AND THIS CAUSES ME STRESS. What happened to the times when days seemed to drag along and years never wanted to end? Many elders warned me this would happen. That life would go faster and faster as I aged. They were undeniably right. So I turn the page on the calendar only to be faced with an equally busy and jam-packed week. I hope to take moments each day to de-program and speak pleasantly to my family. I hope to take moments to be still and quiet (at the same time). I hope to take moments each day to PRAISE my God and thank him for the blessings that have become my insane life. I hope to be a good disciple and teach others about HIM through my actions and words. With your prayers... I believe this may be possible. As I type, I feel the shoulders softening and the jaw loosening. Thanks be to God for his answers to prayers.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mother Hen on the War Path

Last night I got really angry. I am still angry if I am honest with myself. Usually when this happens...the motivation comes from some situation where I can't fix the hurt, anger, frustration of my loved ones....especially my boys. When these occasions arise, I consider animals in nature. A mother hen will literally peck another animal to death when she feels her babies are threatened. SAD TO SAY... I totally get it. I am entirely the mother hen...mess with me.. OKAY!!... mess with my kids...NOT OKAY. At these times, I often find myself saying and doing things that are out of character and wonder..who is this woman? Right now...I am going to have to let the anger go. It is not healthy....I have a splitting headache and heart burn that won't quit. I must set my heart straight and PRAY that the evil doers in the world will see the light of the things they do. In the event that they do not, I must focus on the things I can change...and that would only include my attitude. Thanks for letting me I must go straighten up my coop!

Blessings to you. Make it a great day or's up to you!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


At this moment.... I am exhausted. BUT FEAR NOT DEAR ONES.. this is not a gripe session. I started my morning with fantastic friends at McDonald's at 6:45am. I then got the wonderful opportunity to listen to almost 100 young people successfully read Twisted Fairy Tales and understand (mostly) Story Elements. I successfully set up my computer grade book (thanks Chris). After school, I drove thirty minutes for a fifteen minute long meeting..not such a positive thing...but I won't dwell on that one. Quickly, I went to Football, love, love it. THEN.. leaving a few minutes early.. I went to DANCE.. the fastest and most fun hour of the week. I came home and prepared tomorrow night's dinner and washed the practice clothes. I am finishing up the creation of a test for Friday and finally beginning to de-program from the day. WHEW... so yep.. a little tired... brain hyper and completely and totally in-love with my chaotic and insane life. THANK YOU GOD for the day and all it has brought.

May we see the blessings in our business. May we be thankful for the things we got and those that God spared us from getting.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's the Hard Knock Life??

Today, one of my new and lovely Toucan students asked me, "Mrs. you know that song? The Hard Knock Life?" I, of course, and without warning bursted into the song. It made me think...Is my life a hard knock life? Really?
When it comes down to brass tacks... the resounding answer is NO. NOT REALLY. Each night I go to bed I am mostly comfortable, mostly full, and mostly happy. Do I have worries? ABSOLUTELY... but the thing I am learning is that worry will do nothing but make my face have wrinkles, my head hurt, and cause indigestion. The verse "cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7) keeps coming to mind. A wise friend said recently... "we pray to God to heal people and deliver them from evil temptations and addictions, yet we don't trust him to help us pay our bills". OUCH.. that hurt.... the truth often does. So I guess I am just going to keep on praying, keep on believing that my GOD will deliver me, and that hard knocks are a part of life. If you listen to the Annie Soundrack.. you know... come on... sing it with me... THE SUN WILL COME OUT TOMORROW.... Yes Lord, I hear you and believe in you and tomorrow!!

May your hard knocks be blessings and your tomorrows better and better!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Observations from the Run In

If you have not been to a run-in, Quality Mart, 7-11, type of place in a while, I highly recommend you do so. Today (while waiting in the car for my thirsty travelers to grab a few pricey and necessary snacks), I observed the following:
1- a young couple flirtatiously arguing over how to spend their combined $3.00. She wanted a juice type drink, he wanted a soda. The juice won. 2. a gentleman (and I use that term in the most sarcastic tone possible) talking absolute smack to an older man who was a slow gas pumper. Very unimpressive. I am certain his mother raised him better than that. 3. a rather crazy young woman of healthy proportions who stored all of her worldly possessions in her bra. She was quite entertaining as she dug around herself to gather her goods to shop for dinner or men. I am not sure what her intention. 4- a beautiful and very young mother carefully pumping gas and talking to her sweet little baby girl in the back seat. Although she was extremely attentive, I caught her looking around as if she were afraid she might see someone special or maybe in an effort to be a "normal" teenager. 5- People, people, people in a HURRY, HURRY, HURRY.

All this in a matter of five minutes or less. I love to watch people. I often am humbled by their patience, kindness, and genuine goodness. Other times, I find myself grateful to be ME...with all my baggage and dysfunction. I realize things could be better or they could be worse. But more importantly...just to be grateful that I am who I am with what I have right this very minute...while sitting in the Run-in parking lot!

Praying you will find satisfaction at this moment and be glad in who you are.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Today my husband of thirteen years turned forty. We began planning weeks ago for the perfect weekend for our much loved dad and husband. We gave him a cake...filled with rock and roll and ASU Football...just like he likes. We bought him a Bloodhound affectionately called Ruby the Red Freeman. We took him out to eat and TRIED to be on our best behavior. We visited his parents and grandmother and threw in a dose of the in-laws for kicks and giggles. Finally tonight he received a Ipod Nano filled with ALL of his favorite songs...about 500 already. ALL THIS PREPARATION, POMP, AND CIRCUMSTANCE simply to recognize the things we know to be true:
1- Andy is a good person. He often comes across in a gruff manner but we know the things and people he loves... he loves deeply. 2- Andy wants to be successful and does not mind sharing his success with others. He willingly gives credit where it is due. 3- Andy likes to have fun. He is full of himself and wakes up with a loud WOOOO HOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO every morning.
4- Andy wants to make the world a better place. He has high expectations and desires for the world to improve, be better, and realize the numerous blessings God grants us. 5- Andy is a part of our life that we cannot imagine being without. We appreciate his efforts to make our lives more comfortable and happy. For that... we love him deeply.

So on this day...Hats off to you Mr. Shrek.... May the next forty years be filled with blessings beyond your wildest dreams.