Monday, August 27, 2012


Today was the first day of school in our county!
I saw:
lots of smiles...some nervous, some smirky, some generally happy to be there.
lots of HEY so and so... wonderful music to my ears.
teachers.. pulling together, supporting one another, and making every child.. all 946 of them.. feel needed, important, and valued.
weary faces... at the end of the day. Proud and exhausted with the labor of love we are so blessed to perform!

Here's to you Erwin Staff. I like what we have going on.. how about 179 more times?? You in?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Teachers... Quit Your Whining!!

Ah-ha... got ya' didn't I?? I knew that title would spur your interest. However.. I am not a total fabulist as I heard this statement uttered by someone outside of "our club".

This was the response to "Oh.. I can hardly believe school starts tomorrow." The listener also continued with something like "good grief.. you had the whole summer off and did not have to do anything like the rest of us working people."

My first response is "OH REALLY?? AND I DON'T GET PAID EITHER!!!!! AND AFTER PUTTING UP WITH YOUR CRAZY CHILD ALL YEAR..." (well I will stop before I say too much).

My second response (and the one I should use) is "You are right. I did have all summer off. I spent much of it reflecting on last year's instruction and training for new challenges I will face this year. I worried about my lovelies that I sent home to less than good conditions. I waited for emails letting me know how a divorce is going, if a baby was born, and whether or not a student actually got to see the ocean (as has been promised for the past twelve summers). I mourned the loss of time that I would have with students (106 of them) who stole my heart and became part of my "family". THEN.. I had to turn the page and prepare for another group of of lovelies. Even after seventeen years of doing the "job" and doing it well, I was forced to change the way I do it and prepare lessons in a brand new way. Although I CAN.. I fought the I DON'T WANT TOs!! I was given two hours to make a great first impression and try to learn all the new students' names. You see.. they will remember mine and the reciprocal expectation is the least I can do. I have tried to build a "new team" with only two hours of actual time to meet and find common ground with adults who are also accustomed to "doing things their way".

Maybe I would finish with something like.. "How often do you move? How often do you change jobs? And would it be worth it to have a summer off to have to do it every ten months?" Hmmm.....

One last thought ... "If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylums would be filled with mothers." ~Edgar W. Howe

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Vacation Bible School and God Sightings

Tonight we opened our Vacation Bible School. Let me admit.. I was apprehensive. I had only been able to attend one planning meeting and waited 'till the last minute to do my scheduling magic. Like early hours of this morning last minute. Additionally, there was a funeral at the church at 3pm today. Trying to be respectful to the family, we eased into the church around 4pm. AND HERE IS THE THING.. God showed up in a powerful way! Every one chipped in, smiled, and laughed our way through night one. IT WAS A GOD SIGHTING (as the children learned about from our guest Roman Soldier).
Here are the other God Sightings I saw:
* "big kids" and "little kids" in the same group and getting along!
* snacks (that like the loaves and fishes) were more than ample with surprises hidden in the bottom!
* adults and children interacting and sharing kind touches and hugs!
* a wee little one who "learned about Jesus coming in to your body". Okay maybe it was your heart! BUT HE GETS IT!!
* sometimes "too cool" teenagers helping ANY way they could EVERY time they were asked.
* JOY.. pure joy as we sang about how NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE with God!
* everybody going home with smiles and really, truly looking forward to coming back tomorrow night!

For this opportunity to churn the fires and get excited about God and all he does for me every day.... every... day... without fail, I am humbled and grateful!!

Doing anything tomorrow night? See you at 5:30?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Whew... we made it!! This month we have celebrated fifteen years of marriage, elementary school graduation, birthday number twelve for our oldest, and birthday number eleven for our youngest. These were all big deals and cause me a bit of stress.. DID WE DO ENOUGH? WAS IT SPECIAL ENOUGH? WAS IT MEMORABLE ENOUGH?? WERE THE DAYS AS SPECIAL AS THE HONOREES DESERVED???

The worry is really quite unnecessary. You see... every day is special in my household. I have two wonderful children, a husband who I still like to hang out with, parents who are healthy and believe in me AT ALL TIMES, and an occupation that fuels my passions and brings mostly smiles to my face! My reality is so richly blessed I don't need these ta-da moments to feel full of joy! TODAY.. today is "nothing special". However, it is what I have! May I have the sense to thank God for it.. right now.. without ceasing!! What are your "nothing specials"?

Saturday, June 9, 2012


It is nearly 3:00 on a Saturday. I still have on my pajamas and have eaten buffalo chicken dip and cupcakes for breakfast and lunch. I have watched two less than stellar movies and completed four crossword puzzles. I have moved from couch to chair and back again. I spent 84... YES 84 minutes on the phone talking to my mom and enjoying her conversation! I have given myself permission to leave dishes, laundry, household chores, and bill paying for another day... AND I MUST SAY IT FEELS TERRIFIC!!

Teachers are programmed to go, do, push, research, revise, multi-task, give, give, give... until there is nothing left of us. Taking a stolen day is something we do not do because we KNOW the tasks must get done BY US and no one else. I feel a bit selfish; a tad self-centered; but ultimately I FEEL RESTED... and that is worth all the other stuff I traded to steal this one day!

Give in to this temptation.. your heart, mind, and soul will thank you!! I promise!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Things I wish I could say....

Today marked the end of another school year. A LONG and EVENTFUL one. I am tired and when I get tired I sometimes become emotional... NOT THE NORM for me and I really don't know how to control it! So.... I write... and here are the thoughts in my heart today.

For Bink Gobble.. an unbelievable woman who wears her heart on her sleeve... thank you!! You are my role model for being true to one's self. The fact that you "could not talk" yesterday makes me wish I could let go of control and BE what you naturally are! We love you and you will ALWAYS be a part of our lives!

For Carl Snider... WOW WHAT A YEAR!! Thanks for sticking it out with us in sixth grade. TOO bad once we have gotten you good and broken in you must move on with our lovelies. YOU KNOW WE ARE JEALOUS!! Please come visit!! I will miss hearing the chicken stories. ENJOY your summer and know that I appreciate you!!!

For Jennifer Brown... I am so very thankful that you came into our lives. You amaze me with all you do and yet you always have time to help ONE more person. The Good Samaritan is a story that makes me think of you... and you are lovely!! I will miss you sharing the wall and you are ALWAYS welcome to "bother me" at any time!!

For Mark Dexter... I am grateful for your friendship and your willingness to let me be me! You are like a brother I never got to have and I love you for putting up with me!! You bring laughter to my life and I thank you!!

For Kim Shuping... thank you for trying to open my eyes to the Science around me. You know so much and have done so much and STILL DO SO MUCH!! It makes me dizzy. Thank you for modeling the importance of family and proving that no matter how "big" my kids get ... I can still matter!! I look forward to our continued adventure next year!

For Lou Anne Mullis.... some people don't believe in "gut" reactions...but I knew the moment your beautiful smile lit up the conference room that you were something special!! I am SO thankful that our Admin. fought to get you and the blessings and rewards have been ours. YOU are a pillar of kindness and your calm nature was the perfect addition to our sixth grade craziness. Even tho' you will be away.. know that I am only a phone call away. YOU will be AMAZING and our kids (not just EC) are so fortunate to know you! Thanks for your friendship and care.. I am grateful to call you friend!

For Tina Barkley.... Your organization and leadership will be so greatly missed. I have never been a "sixth grader" without you!
I know you will give 110% no matter what you do. I pray that peace finds you about your move and that you ROCK IT with those gorgeous long (and in shape) legs of yours!! I hope this summer finds you resting and enjoy all the men in your life. You are an amazing mother and the proof is in the excellence you foster!! Know that you will always be a part of my fondest memories and that you have a safety net in room A-13! I admire you and am glad to call you my friend!

For Sarah Wise... I have been loving you more each and every year I get the chance to work with you!! My son loved your class and my husband gives you a thumbs up "because he likes the way you do them youngins"!! That is a compliment by the way!!
I adore your thoroughness and YOU ARE A GREAT WRITER!! Never doubt the impact you have on those around you and know that I appreciate you for your honesty!

For Carey McClung... I have really enjoyed working with you this year. I don't think MJF would admit it... but I think there was a little crushage action going on!! I admire your honesty about struggles you have..... and you always get through them!! That is a talent!! I enjoy your PJ stories and I thank you for reminding me of what my "babies" used to be when I am ready to strangle their once-upon-a-time adorable little necks!! I pray your summer is relaxing and look forward to knocking out some AMAZING stuff with the Common Core!

For Dianne Lee.... YOU ARE AWESOME and I can not begin to tell you how much I appreciate ALL YOU DO!! You rarely want to even let anybody know how much you do and I really appreciate your constant searching to better our ELA area. I don't even want to think about you not being in sixth grade. It would be like losing a founding father!! Prayers for a happy summer and a chance to unwind and cherish the memories you have made in Rockwell, North Carolina. I know your changes are good for you all, but our community is losing one TERRIFIC family!

For Amy Burford... what a super year you have had!! I think back to some of our conversations from last year and am SO grateful you decided to stay true to your calling. I don't know about all these zoos you science people have... but I do appreciate you bringing science to the kids and making them love, love, love it!! WELL DONE... the best is yet to come!!

For Blake Williamson... one year was just not enough!! Maybe our names will be close to one another on a hallway again. I have enjoyed those sideways smiles and your willingness to put up with us on Cruise Ship Crazy!! I hope your summer wedding planning will wrap up and allow some time to enjoy yourself!! Please don't be a stranger down around Room A-13!!

For Bill Barrier... I so enjoyed the day we had the Medieval Experience. Your personality shone through and it was such fun to see you passionate and excited about something near and dear to your heart. Lately... again... with that burst with pride when your "baby" is around.. and that is a cool thing as well!!

For Judy Wellmon.... hard to believe I have been knowing you since Fall 1998!! I have enjoyed watching Shelby grow up and am so proud of all you two are! I appreciate you holding the EC Staff together and for taking IEP Team Leader roles. I know neither of those tasks are easy and you do such a nice job!! I will have to drop over and check on you (and Shelby) next year!! I pray your summer allows you continued healing and energy to start another fabulous year!!

For Leslie Wright... I thank you for your continued friendship. It was such an awesome feeling having my own child verify what I believed all along... that you are an AMAZING teacher!! I have missed your organization this year!! Maybe that should be one of my PEP goals?? In any event... I love you for keeping me grounded and understanding a single look! My life is richer by knowing you!!

For Carolyn McDonald (MOM)... you were my first teacher and you continue to amaze with your power over children. YOU expect them to behave respectfully when sometimes they don't know how. THAT is a gift they will never say thank you for...but one they will never forget! Thanks for always supporting me and believing in me even when I don't believe in myself! You are a blessing and I am thankful to call you mother and friend!!

That's it for now... stay tuned.. I have a WHOLE LIST of people to appreciate and it never hurts to write what I am often unable to sayl!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wedding Rehearsal Memories

Fifteen years ago tonight... several of you helped us celebrate our marriage at a "little" pig pickin' in Yadkinville, NC.
The night was so much fun.. being surrounded by friends and family...
Dancing with several men I NEVER knew even would try...
Singing Seven Bridges Road at the top of our lungs..
Bronson Russell's attempt at singing My Maria over and over and over..

SUCH FUN and such laughter...
Thanks for the memories!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

WOWZA... Where did the time GO?

My husband pointed out that today is his last day to take a child to school on a regular basis since August 2005. THAT IS SEVEN YEARS!! and where has the time gone?

I can tell you about some of those moments...

Kindergarten for Alex... Mrs. Jayne Petrea and Mrs. Bink Gobble made it wonderful. They loved Alex through his growing pains and adjustment to leaving Richfield Child Devlopment Center (where Miss Jessica, Mrs. Deborah and Mrs. Kelly encouraged creativity and love for play). Alex still talks about the Dress-up Center in Kindergarten. Thank you for encouraging him to "be anything he wanted to be".
First grade for Alex... Mrs Paula Askew loved Alex enough to have high expectations. She was brave and true to herself when she let us know of some problems he was having. FOR THAT HONESTY.. we are truly grateful. He thrived under the guidance of Mrs. Askew and Mrs. Goodman and still talks about "reading in the closet". WONDERFUL TIMES FOR HIM!!
Second grade for Alex... was with Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Call. These ladies proved to be exactly what Alex needed to learn organization and develop self-control.. and yes.. we are still working on those skills!!
Third grade for Alex... Mrs. Rhonda Hiskey and Mrs. Gayle "Floster" created an arena of acceptance. Anderalex had one great year!! He developed an emerging love for reading and was helped to navigate through that first EOG! Thanks to those two women who loved him despite his constant boyness!!
Fourth grade for Alex.. Mrs. Trexler, Mrs. Zimmerman, Mrs. Morefield, and Mr Raiti proved to be a GREAT team for Alex. He will never forget Where The Red Fern Grows, Lighthouses, 21st Century Learning, and playing football with the coolest male on Morgan's campus.
Fifth grade for Alex... got a little challenging after Christmas. He was showing some signs of being ready for sixth grade even if Mom and Dad were not! Mrs. Traci Eller encouraged and pushed Alex to grow THIRTEEN points on his Reading EOG and learning ALL that Science material certainly paid off for Mrs. Newman and Alex!!
AND for the past two years our McWednesday has been given a dose of sunshine from Mrs. Benge and Mrs. Nesbitt. As a mom, it has made me feel so much better having you as friends who could fill in should a crisis occur. Alex will miss seeing you both on a daily basis.

Our time at Morgan has been doused with fun, laughter, and non-stop support for our children! For all those "guides on the side", we are eternally grateful for the assistance you lovingly provided in molding our boys. Their successes (past and future) should be jewels in your crowns! We pray earnestly that you know and believe that your calling is a GOD thing and that your days will be filled with blessings as you have blessed us!

In Honor of Our Retiree

For Mrs. Linda Cornelius on the occasion of her Retirement- June 2012

The epitome of a southern lady who always has a smile.
She keeps her faith through good times and certainly through trials.

While helping students keyboard and find their homerow keys,
She reminds them of good posture through shoulders and through knees.

Mrs. Linda will forever be a role model for all us other mothers,
She lights up like a light bulb when talking about Brittany and her brothers!

Linda’s unshakable belief in God need not be plastered on her head
It is simply in her every deed and every word that is said.

You may not know this about her but Linda is also quite an amazing cook.
She also enjoys rocking at the beach and losing herself in a terrific book.

Linda’s calm and quiet manner is comforting to all~
And I for one will miss her AWESOME laugh ringing in our halls!

The clock is ticking closer to our last days with our friend,
She remains steadfast and dutiful right up to the bitter end!

A lot of things about this place, I am sure she will recall~
But one thing I am SURE she won’t miss is DUTY in the hall!!

So the time has come to bid this lady a fond and well deserved adieu~
May she never forget that Erwin is a place she can always come home to!!

God’s continued blessings for you dear friend!

Maria Freeman

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Perturbing Pronouns????

I have come to the realization that I am easily perturbed by pronouns. A few of these button pushing statements include:

**When my dear husband calls me (while I am on the road running from one place to another for OUR children or getting things for OUR household) and asks what are YOU going to do about YOUR dinner?

**When same sweet hubby calls and says "I thought I would cook dinner to help YOU out".

** When married folk refer to their homes, children, etc as MINE.

** When students in group projects feel the need to tell me what the did INDIVIDUALLY!!!??????

** When colleagues feel the need to say "THEY are YOUR students".

**When THEY say we have to do, teach, believe, things because THEY said so.

I am sure you are getting my point. I feel the root of my frustration does not come from the denotation, rather the connotation and implied meaning of these phrases. WE are interconnected no matter what WE do in this life. It is OUR responsibility to take care of one another, love one another through troubled times, and support one another. WE deserve to celebrate successes and WE deserve to accept failure. When was the last time YOU did something completely, totally, all alone without a single person helping in some way, shape, or form?
WE know the truth and WE love you anyway!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


It has been nearly nine months since I last wrote here. You know I could have delivered a baby in that time?? Instead I have spent this time training to be a teacher of Academically and Intellectually Gifted Students. I gave up my blog for papers on strategies, learning styles, and trends in gifted education. I developed units of study and even created a college level course for fake people at a fake school.... preposterous, right??

HOWEVER... I learned a great deal and really did birth a new thing... a better teacher. I struggled and gave up a great deal of time with my supportive family but IT IS FINISHED!! I feel just like the mother of a newborn.. relieved and scared to death to actually put into practice all that has been preached at me!

I have missed this.. more than I realized! In the coming weeks.. two things are on the to do list.. write more and exercise more!! I will keep you posted.. PUN intended!!