Friday, March 30, 2018

March 30.. Writing Challenge 2018

A Childhood Memory...

Not so much childhood but during my youth phase, I had the opportunity to attend Camp Caswell on the North Carolina coast with First Baptist Church of North Wilkesboro.  The theme for the week was The Gift Goes On and the lead minister was Reverend Lolly from Raleigh who delivered his messages from the point of view of Charlie Brown.

The week started with Christmas and was super festive and fun.  The week took us through Christ’s life and teachings and was exhausting, crazy, wild and sleep deprived! It was awesome!

 The last day the crucifixion was dramatically shown.  It was the first time I had seen a scantily clad male walk down the aisle with blood dripping from stripes of a whip as he carried his own instrument of death.  The music was somber and I was just heart broken.  The final scenes played out and the worship center went dark.  We were invited to go outside which was around three in  the afternoon and the young man was hoisted into the air.  I kid you not..the Sky went black and a torrential storm appeared from nowhere.  We nosy, curious youth were looking for the gimic and stage theatrics and there were NONE.

The storm worsened and we were instructed to seek shelter quickly!

But... I honestly was unmovable.  I just could not stand to leave this symbol of our Lord on the cross... it hurt my feelings and drove home just what his sacrifice meant for this lowly sinner.  A true  momenr  where God spoke to us and we (busy, irresponsible, seemingly anything but serious youth) listened.  And we were forever changed.

March 27... Writing Challenge 2018

A Movie Character I Identify With..

Maria from the Sound of Music.  I get her on so many levels.  The constant attempt at balance of being sho she wants to be and who she is, the wild side, the silliness of her!  Just so relateable.  The song How Do Solve a Problem like Maria is likely my life mantra. And I?  I am totally okay with it!

March 28... Writing Challenge 2018

Ten Things I Love About Spring..

1- surprise warmth that wakes your free spirit.
2- the flowers, birds, and beauty.
3- excellent allergy medications.
4- energy that the world seems to exude.
5- anticipation of vegetables and fruits that summer will afford.
6- sweet little first time athletes who are adorably spastic.
7- knowing a long break is on the horizon for this hard working teacher.
8- Easter and all it means to me as a Christian.
9- deck time!  After the pollen passes?
10- assurance that all things are cyclical and food will surely come again.

March 29... Writing Challenge 2018

Am I Patient?

In light of my recent tonsillectomy, the answer is a resounding NO!!
I am terribly impatient with myself and my limitations.  I like to believe I AM patient with orptrrs, especially my kids at school....but they might disagree.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

March 26... Writing Challenge 2018

Something I Am Looking Forward To..

is Merlefest 2018!  To many people, a huge "hippy music festival" might sound like torture.  I get it.  I really do.  Lots of people, unpredictable temperatures, and exhaustion brought about by work that looks like all fun and games can be challenging.

But here is the thing.. at MERLEFEST, you get to just be!  I mean really and sincerely JUST BE!  Just be you!  Just be true to yourself! Just be in the moment!  Just be around! Just be allowed to tune in or tune out!  Just be a free spirit!  Just be a friendly, helpful person!  Just be that person who shuts down negativity!  Just be happy with the people around you....even if you will likely never see them again!  Just be amazed by all you see!  Just be lightened by the music and the magic of the mountains!  Just be thankful for old friendships quickly rekindled and celebrated!  Just be AMAZING! Just be reverent!  Just be polite!  Just be nice!  Just be joyful!

I am so looking forward to this time.  The fact I share it with my son, my mom, and my hometown which makes me repeatedly proud in the face of many challenges is bonus as Merlefest allows all who are willing to JUST BE!!!

March 25... Writing Challenge 2018

Three Things I Learned Today..

1-  I am not patient.  I am not a good patient.  I do not exhibit patience with myself.  I am not sure I even know the definition of patient.

2-  My husband makes a wonderful homemade chicken and noodle soup.  It satisfies this crazy tummy and soaks up all the ick associated with aforementioned surgery.

3-  I have a new found empathy for people who are sick.  I am rarely sick and am so very thankful for that gift.  I will hopefully learn from this experience and be more supportive to those who suffer with illness whether temporarily or long term.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

March 24... Writing Challenge 2018

What I Am Good At...
1.  Tap dancing.  I love it and am so fortunate to get to still practice a skill that brings me joy and challenges me.
2.  Helping others find their voice and encouraging them to be true to themselves.
3.  Teaching.  Not always perfect...but I give my very best effort 99% of the time,
4.  Cooking... a new skill acquired in the last ten years.  I enjoy it and find myself being Marie adventureous with my food choices as a result.
5. Loving people right where they are and trying ALWAYS to see the best in them

March 23... Writing Challenge 2018

Where I Most Want To Travel..
Is the United States.  I have no desire for Hawaii but I am game for all others.  I dream of wide open spaces that cause me to pause with their beauty.  Most importantly, I want to share these adventures with others who get it.

Easy, right?

March 22... Writing Challenge 2018

Five Books Everyone Should Read...

1.  The Bible
2. Are you There God?  It’s Me Margaret.
3.  Leo the Latebloomer
4.  The Giving Tree
And 5. Anything that challenges your mind or brings you joy!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

March 21... Writing Challenge 2018

An Idea That Seems Great, But Actually Isn't...

is fat free cheese.  I know...what could be wrong with taking steps to better your health and reduce your fat intake.  But friends, I must ask you...have you ever tasted this stuff?  Gross!!  It won’t even melt in the microwave or on a grilled cheese sandwich.  It’s like colored plastic slices of who knows what?  Life is too short.  Eat the real cheese.....please?

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March 20... Writing Challenge 2018

The Most Important Thing In Life..

is to feel comfortable within your own skin.  I think very little can be done and done well if this element is not present.

When you are comfortable within, you can:
agree to disagree and be okay with it;
see your flaws and not be offended when others do the same;
laugh out loud and not care who hears;
dance shamelessly and with abandon;
pray to the God of your choosing and not be led astray by others who don't understand your faith;
readily admit you don't know everything and commit to becoming a lifelong learner;
love deeply without fear;
grieve openly;
celebrate successes of your own and of others;
be silly, sassy, and sensational... all at the same time;
and sleep well each night you have given your best.

Monday, March 19, 2018

March 19... Writing Challenge 2018

I regret...

not seeking help for my hormone issues much sooner.

 I have spent the past several years on a downward spiral into a person I did not recognize as of January 2018.  My husband was patient and would often ask "is it one of those days?"  If I said yes, I received mercy and grace.  More often his question would infuriate me and a tirade of anger would spew from my body in audible and inaudible ways. 

I struggled with feeling joy and happiness. I found myself unable to name anything that made me happy... ever.  After several moments of thought, I finally said "doing things that make others happy." 

I hid behind "tiredness" as an excuse to not have to go out with my family and saw quickly their disappointment that sometimes was also relief that their unpredictable momma would not ruin their potential good time.

I went to my family doctor on two separate occasions and he assured me my numbers were normal.  The last visit he sent me to an ENT to see about my tonsils and gave me facial gel for rosacea.  I don't blame him (as women's issues are not his specialty) but WHAT  ON EARTH did I say that led him to believe these issues were my main motivation for rare visits? 

In January the daughter of a former colleague reached out to me on Social Media when she read one of my posts about the downside of aging.  She encouraged me to visit her office and I can honestly say I instantly felt better.  FINALLY someone was going to listen and might just even have a way to help this sad, lost human I was allowing to show through more often than not.

The hormone pellets I received have honestly saved me.  They are slow release and I was amazed at how quickly my body reacted to treatment.  I am more joyful and can handle stressors more similarly to the way I would have years ago.  I am at peace and don't feel constantly stressed and anxiety ridden.  There is more laughter and love in my world and for these things, I am truly grateful.

March 18... Writing Challenge 2018

A Few Words Of Advice To Someone Younger...

Remember your roots.  Whether they be family or folks that are like family, hold on to these people.  They love you and will be there when the rest of the world walks away.  If they do something you appreciate, tell them.  This only encourages them to be there for you in bigger and better ways than you can ever imagine.

Use your wings.  Get out in the great big world and see what is there.  Say YES and live life with gusto.  Never stop learning and always be kind whenever you can.

If you have to have conflict, address it head on.  Don't candy coat things or try to hard to avoid the conflict.  After naming it, be prepared to solve the discourse and seek win-win answers.  EASIER said than done, but totally worth the effort you will put in.

Give yourself and those around you lots of grace and mercy.  Forgive easily and learn from those painful situations.  Listen and listen well to your own voice and those of others.  Set goals and never stop evolving into an amazing human that is genuinely likable.

March 17... Writing Challenge 2018

How I Would Describe Myself..

a work in progress.  I am mostly sarcastic and others tell me I am funny.  I am adventurous and always look for opportunities to see/do/ try something new.  I am not a neat freak but do have a bit of OCD as I KNOW where things are.  I love making others see their value and worth and seeing the spark when the really believe it.  I am becoming more self-aware and advocating for my needs and desires without alienating others.  I am a Christian who is really thankful for God's mercy as I seek his way to become exactly who he created me to be.  I am flawed and fail often but really give my best effort most days. 

March 16... Writing Challenge 2018

What is the tone/music of your alarm clock?

I HATE THE ALARM!!  Really, not even kidding, seriously HATE IT.
The sound is similar to the sound large trucks and equipment make as they back up.
It is LOUD and obnoxious and I hate it because it ends my often difficult to find sleep.

My husband is gifted with an internal clock and rarely has to have the clock to wake up. I am impressed and amazed with that ability.  He PROBABLY hates my alarm clock as well. I am a world class alarm tag player so it goes off three times each morning.  UGGGHHHHHH!!!! 

One day, perhaps the alarm won't be necessary...but I don't see that happening any time too soon.

March 15... Writing Challenge 2018

Three Small Steps Toward My Goal...

of losing weight.
1- stay on track with the low carb/ high protein eating choices.
2- get back into walking daily after I get my tonsils out.
3-  celebrate small steps along the way and don't get too tied up in the numbers.

March 14... Writing Challenge 2018

A Goal I Am Working Toward Now..

is writing every day.  I have failed lately and am doing many posts at one time on this particular day.  I like it, I just sometimes lose track.  Once I do that I seem to REALLY go off the track, like over a bridge, into raging waters below that require lifeguards and rafts to put me back on the right path.

I am also working on my Spanish skills.  I recently sat in a conference where an interpreter had to explain EVERYthing about a young man we have educational concerns about.  He is a sweet boy with lots of potential and I worried that translations might not focus on the fact that we wanted to help him.  I have been using Dualingo and the app says I am 24% proficient.  Stay tuned for further updates regarding this goal.  I keep getting horse and onion wrong...

March 13... Writing Challenge 2018

My Cheerleader Is...

almost always my mom.  She loves to see me try new things and takes joy in my success.   She will stop anything she is doing if I need her help or ask her to accompany me to some event.  She knows when to push and also when to just listen.  She gives her opinion with love and sometimes chooses not to so that I find my own solutions.  She is the best and has earned her varsity letter in cheerleading for 48 years running.

March 12... Writing Challenge 2018

How I Focus...

HAHAHAHHAAAAA!!  What a hilarious topic for this ADHD teacher.

But seriously,
when I really need to focus I find myself in quiet, dimly lit spaces.  I need a little drink and perhaps a tiny snack (so I won't have that excuse to disturb my mojo).  If I am reading something, I need a hard copy and a pen to annotate.  I have to shut my eyes and envision what the end goal I am working on will look like.  Sometimes, this requires task analysis to break the task down into doable sections.  Or other times I have to set time limits to work and then take breaks.  I work well under pressure and this difficulty focusing probably spawns my procrastination at the get go.

My kids at school often comment that "they make medicine for people like you, Mrs. Freeman".  Touche' my dear loves, touche'!!

March 11... Writing Challenge 2018

The Best Place To Be...

is outside on a warm spring or fall day. 
When the temperature is just right. 
With the gorgeous Carolina sun shining and a few wispy clouds dancing among the blue skies. 
With no where in particular to be. 
Alone or with others. 
But not with too much noise. 
With sounds of nature playing a concerto or symphony that only the wise can hear.
Where you breathe in new ideas, fresh outlooks, and positivity.
While exhaling the dank and nasty crud that sets up camp within.

March 10... Writing Challenge 2018

Everyone Needs..

1- love.  The kind of love that you KNOW deep in your heart and soul that a person is FOR you.  Even when you've let them down, disappointed, or angered them, the kind of love that can not be taken away.
2-  space.  This includes mental and physical space to just BE who you are without ramifications or judgement or disdain.  Space allows us to stretch outside of normal boundaries and explore possibilities within ourselves.
3- nourishment.  Spiritual and physical nourishment are necessary for a fruitful life.  Food can be filling or it can be fulfilling. Just like spiritual relationships.
4-  peace.  Some people don't believe this as they constantly seek to stir drama and negativity.  BUT I SAY THIS... those without peace within, can never be the persons they were created to be.  Peace does not mean absence of conflict, rather the ability to deal with it and be okay at the end of each day.

March 9... Writing Challenge 2018

The Thing That Makes Me Excited...

is the concept of possibility.  I get super excited when something new or different is on the horizon.  This is kind of hard to balance with a person who also resists change.  Nevertheless, once acceptance moves in I can totally get pumped for new challenges.

March 8... Writing Challenge 2018

What It Takes To Make A Friend...

1- a listening ear.  Friends listen when others won't.  They listen in love and try to nudge their friends to a safe, productive, joyful life.
2- remembering.  Friends remember how things were and how you wish they would be. They give special care at celebrations and at sad times too. 
3-  common interests.  NOT everything the exact same, but some strings of connectivity that serve as the foundations for the friendship.

March 7... Writing Challenge 2018

A Fact I Don't Usually Tell People...

is that I really get nervous when I have to speak in front of a group of adults.  Give me 10,000 kids and I feel like I can probably do that.  I get worried, don't eat, lose sleep and have stomach issues right up till the moment the "speech" begins.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

March 6... Writing Challenge 2018

A Typical Grocery List

Cereal... lots of boxes.. mostly Smart Start, Raisin Bran, Special K and one Lucky Charms
Milk 2%
Soda... for this Momma..who keeps picking the nasty habit back up.  I "don't drink, don't smoke... what do you do??"  -Adam Ant
High Protein Snacks
Nuts or Trail Mix
Peanut Butter
Ice Cream...for Andy.. the non-sweet eater and for Mack... after Lent is over!

March 5.... Writing Challenge

Something I Want More Of...

is belly laughs. 

Not those out of desperation where you are nearly at the end of your rope and you laugh like an insane person to keep from crying.

 I mean those genuinely funny moments that sneak up on you and cause your sides to hurt and your eyes to leak buckets of tears. 

The laughter where you try to hold it in... but it sputters out and you catch another gear entirely and laugh until your head hurts and you can barely catch your breath. 

The laughter where women of a certain age prance around like two year olds because those dear children we birthed have made it really difficult to not soil ourselves with laughter (or sneezes, running, or jumping for that matter)!

I am searching sources for this NEED.... share if you have them...or need to laugh along!

March 4.... Writing Challenge 2018

Something I Need To Let Go Of....

is letting things beyond my control dictate my attitude and mood.  This happens TOO often as I try to navigate work, parenting teenage boys, and attempting to be a decent wife, daughter, and friend.

I am pretty quick to forgive big things...but you let those little things pile up and whew, buddy.. I lose my mojo in a minute.  AND THERE I STAY.. on Negative Island and ought to buy every single souvenir they have.

Several years ago, I had my students write down their EOG fears on EOG Survivor Cards. In typical Survivor fashion,  we took them outside and burned them.  The Tribe had spoken... we COULD conquer those fears.

Perhaps, I should make a weekly list of annoyances and have a ceremonial burning on Fridays.  Most likely on the deck... with the sun setting and a peaceful weekend on the horizon.  I LIKE IT!!

March 2... Writing Challenge 2018

The Thing You Always Forget To Pack

hmmm... I don't travel a lot so packing is usually a pretty big deal and I double, triple check everything.

BUT.. on a regular basis, I forget to pick up my lunch from home or just don't make anything to take.
I end up eating whatever interestingness I can find in my classroom...which is usually unhealthy or terribly boring... like saltine crackers and a bottle of water.

LATELY.. I have helped myself out.  I just grabbed an entire box of cereal, some plastic spoons, and some disposable cups.  I buy a carton of milk from my lovely lunch ladies and have a semi-nutritious option at all times. 

March 3.... Writing Challenge 2018

A Fictional Character I'd Like to Switch Places With...

 is Farley Drexel Hatcher.  Perhaps better known to you as Fudge or Super Fudge as created by Judy Blume. 

  Fudge is curious, creative, and tenacious.  He loves BIG and seems to always come out on top of things even when he is in BIG TROUBLE!  I think it would be awesome to have his innocence, fearless motivation, and belief that the world is only for you. 

Thursday, March 1, 2018

March 1...Writing Challenge 2018

What was the last thing you talked about with your Mother?

Let me first say that I am very blessed to still have my mom.  So many friends have lost their parents and I treasure the time I have with mine.

Interestingly enough, my mom spends many days at my school as a substitute teacher.  So our last conversation was about me finding a “cute and sassy” picture of her to mail to my Principal so she can get a new ID badge.  This says a lot about her.  1- She is proud of her appearance and takes pride in the way she looks.  2- The fact that her badge is broken is justified because she works many more days than some folks who are full time employees.  And 3- She has no intention of stopping any time soon.  This attitude likely fuels her health and stamina and ability to stay current among challenging middle school kids.

February 28... Writing Challenge 2018

The Last Thing That Made Me Laugh...

was shared venting and rants with a treasured friend, Jennifer Brown.  She says it beautifully that time and distance have not tarnished our friendship and that we just pick right up where we left off.  It is a true joy to have a person that laughs with you and gets it when you aren’t laughing.

February 27... Writing Challenge

The View From My Window... 

Is of the deck.  The deck is my go to spot during warm weather.  There is a small dining table and eight chairs.  My oldest son created a water barrel and it sits in a most precarious spot that slightly blocks my view.  Usually, one or more dogs leisurely wait on the deck for their humans to play or feed them.  It’s not Better Homes and Gardens, but it is ours and it is home.