How did I go to school when I was little?
I rode to school with my mom. Since she taught at my elementary school, that was an easy answer. We lived less than two minutes from school so our commute was a short one.
SOMETIMES... when my mom was feeling really wild and crazy, I would walk home from school. The times were different and I am sure she knew she would quickly be joining me. The feeling of FREEDOM walking home alone was addictive. We lived in a neighborhood called Westwood Hills and the hill part was for real. There was NO WAY to get to our home without climbing a really big hill (read mountain for all my Piedmont friends). If I ever thought I would get into mischief in Home Alone fashion, I assure you climbing the hill to get home took all the vim and vinegar right out of this rebel child.
GOOD TIMES.. and I mean that!
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