Monday, August 8, 2011

Creative Discipline???

Today my boys have been ROWDIE... remember the cheer?? They have totally annoyed the snot out of me, each other, and even themselves. They are 10 and 11 years old and weigh over 100 pounds each. The whole time out-spanking cycle is quickly fading as effective or practical. This morning they were required to hold their hands out.. one at ear level and the other at hip level and walk toward each other until bellies touched. (Act it out if you have to). They ended up laughing and sort of got along the rest of the afternoon. LATER.... they were CRAZY in the car. Their Dad had them put their hands on the top of their heads and not talk the entire drive home from music class. It's a thirty-five minute drive. They then had to stand at the barn while he fed the animals with tiny pebbles in their hands while holding them at a ninety degree angle to their bodies. THEY HATED IT... no tears, no guilty feelings, and surprisingly (and thankfully) they have come into the house and pleasantly agreed to watch Stand By Me on television. At this moment, they are playing "this little piggy" with each other's feet and laughing riotously. This is a sign of their solidarity.

The entire day causes me to reflect about how God sometimes gets our attention in unusual and unconventional ways. Small, subtle whispers to get us back on track are lovingly bestowed rather than the curse of hell-fire and brimstone. I pray every day to be a good parent and wife and behave in a manner pleasing to HIM. I am thankful.... even on our worst and craziest days. Praying God will guide me and I will be wise enough to listen...

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it" Proverbs 22:6

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