Sunday, February 27, 2011

Teachers are lovers .....

This morning our Pastor continued a series on Love. He started by playing Dolly Parton's "I Will Always Love You" as sung by Whitney Houston. He spoke about the supernatural, unfathomable love of Christ that we mere mortals will never understand until our Joyous Homecoming in Heaven. Repeatedly he spoke of those who taught love to others throughout the Bible... the Good Samaritan, the commandments, etc. and stated "(that) teachers are lovers". I have to fully agree. After sixteen years, I am still fully and totally in-love with the profession I have been called to. Each day offers new opportunities to display Christ-like love to students and adults who need an extra blessing. However, "teacherly love" is analogous to that supernatural love Pastor spoke of. Outsiders don't understand how I can full-on hug one of the stinkiest kids in the entire school and grin for joy when he yells my name down the hallway. They can't possibly understand what would be appropriate about telling a child who has just passed gas and is dying from embarassment.."there is more room out than in, you know?" They can't understand why EOGs are our collective biggest fears because we LOVE these kids and hate for a test to tell them they are anything but wonderful. It makes me proud... which is something love is not supposed to be according to Corinthians. However, the pride is not personal. The pride is in MY GOD who granted me the talent, patience, and energy to teach. I thank GOD he led me to this place, and that (finally) I listened to his call. For these and all my blessings, I am humbled and grateful. Can't wait to share the love tomorrow....... there is nothing better!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Grumble, grumble....

Do you ever have the experience where a perfectly good day is totally turned on its undeserving ear and manifests itself into a rotten ending? Such is life in my otherwise perfect world. I woke up in the post-headache fog.. only wishing by the end of the day that the previously mentioned headache would return so things would improve. WELL... grovel, grovel....poor pitiful me. LIFE is not always chocolates and roses. Today has been a test... of my patience, my endurance, and the "guts" I will display through it all. I go to bed tonight thankging God that all days are not like this and pray for renewed spirit by morning. SO glad for that and the possibility that lies within tomorrow.

Okay... I've said these things.. on my way to feeling better already!
May your tomorrows always be BETTER AND BETTER...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tea Party Observations

Tonight I attended a meeting of the Rowan County Tea Party Patriots (their name not mine). It was an interesting blend of people. My husband invited me and the guest speaker was to be "a former Muslim who will share about the Muslim faith and culture and what caused his conversion". Sounded interesting and I agreed to attend. We even took our boys. However, once the man began speaking... the room became instantly uncomfortable. Although I respectfully listened, I wanted to leave because I don't naturally like conflict.... at all. A lady began to nit-pick on his points and details. He readily admitted he was self-taught and had researched for only ten years. YET, she became more incensed with each statement the speaker made. Whether I believe either of them is not the point. INSTEAD, I observed that our nation was founded on FREEDOM. Freedom of speech and religion without persecution. However, I fear that we may have entered a nanny state where we don't speak freely on either issue to maintain political correctness or so as not to offend. REALLY? I don't read anywhere in the red parts of the Bible where it says "if you need to deny me so people won't get upset... it's okay. As long as you and I know the truth?" This really has my head spinning and for once... I am at a loss for words!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's Day and I think this year has been one of the BEST ever. Perhaps because I took my destiny into my own hands and wrote individual cards for all my colleagues and for each of my students. It's a day when so many people feel let down or disappointed. I thought I would be proactive and make sure they started their days (or my class period) knowing that I think they are pretty darn special. It was a labor of love. It made my heart full...thinking of each one and thanking God for them. IT WAS LOVELY!!! We had the best time... all day long. Laughter filled the air and each period some child would say, "really, it's time to go already?" Now that is what I am talking about. Not to be trite, but I LOVE those days. I came home to flowers, chocolates, and three smiling faces who love me today and even those days when I am anything but lovable. BONUS!! Love is what we make of it. Celebrate the small gestures and constantly ask yourself... what can I do to show the love Christ has shown me? This very simple, but life-changing task can move mountains!! Bless you... and... have I told you lately that I love you?? WELL.. I do!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

LOVE Defined....

The past twenty four hours have helped me more appropriately define the quintessential term of love.
1- Finishing my day to call my boys and hear that they are playing Wii with their Papa after he picked them up from school.
2- Talking to my husband who felt guardedly optimistic about his numerous tests this week.
3- Attending my boys first jam session where people played from their hearts and gave the glory to GOD for their talents.
4- Having my boys (somewhat willingly) help around the house so that all the work could be done TODAY!
5- Attending a baby shower for a sweet family who we are really enjoying getting to know. Looking forward to loving on their latest addition to the football team.
6- Attending a family get together to honor and in memory of our Grandmother. My cousin Tina did the cooking and I know everything tasted better because of her kind act of selfless love. IT WAS AMAZING!!
7- Alex asking to spend the night with Nana and Papa... knowing deep in his heart that they rarely say no.
8- Returning home to listen to my husband and son play music and SINGING along.
9- Laying down in a warm home, fully fed, clean and safe!
10- The peace and assurance that GOD will deliver me from my sins and has saved my soul from eternal damnation!

Praise be to God for the day and my blessings!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Friendship Bread and Blue Grass

Tonight my home is filled with the aroma of cinnamon and sugar and gooey goodness.... called Friendship Bread. I got the starter from a fantastic student who understands the meaning of family and friendship. Her attitude makes the bread even better. I also have the interesting sounds of emergent bluegrass music as my sons practice their mandolin and banjo. When I say emergent.. please take that literally! In any event, life is good and sweet and really quite fun. We are working on taking life easier and being satisfied just where we are with just what we have. We are headed to a Pickin' and Grinnin' Jam Session put on by our fabulous teachers tomorrow night. A pretty simple life... and it is good!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Peaceful Easy Feeling

Since 2011 burst on the scene.. things here have been CRAZY. We started with AF having his tonsils out, followed by an entire week out of school for SNOW?. We spent a weekend in Banner Elk for me to return with double ear infections, sinus infection, and bronchitis... keeping me out of school another four days. MF developed a sinus infection.. another day out. AND Shrek has had heart health issues... SO YOU SEE.. things are a little more chaotic than normal.

HOWEVER... this morning I woke up with a peaceful, easy feeling... YOU KNOW THE EAGLES SONG... the second line of the chorus says... " and I know you won't let me down". I finally realized what was true yesterday, is true today, and will be true through ALL of my tomorrows... HE has it all figured out and HE won't let me down. MY GOD is an amazing and powerful one who knows that I need some peace to be able to prayerfully handle the things that will inevitably come next.

Don't get me wrong.. I am still frazzled and concerned about all that is going on... but I give it to the one who loves me most and will enjoy the gift of peace he has so generously given me. AMEN!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mathematics Meltdown

Tonight my oldest son had a complete and total meltdown due to FRACTIONS. As he ranted with great zeal and proceeded to explain how "stupid they are and that nobody EVER uses them in real life", I could not help but feel his frustration. Finally, he complained and whined until at last the truth was revealed. "DAD, you don't understand, you never will understand, don't you see? it's not easy!". Ah-ha! The truth shall set you free dear one.
Just like my son, none of us like things that are not easily acquired, retained, and regurgitated on demand. How often do we use more mature tactics to avoid having to begin, attempt, or stick to things that are not easy? Yet, I have heard several times in my life "nothing worth doing is easy". Observation, my son just passed a mini-quiz on his quest for adulthood. Adults must sometimes do those things which are not easy.. you know like parent firmly, say yes when no one else will, love unconditionally, and review fractions with the unwilling until they are mastered. I am considering learning something new.... I guess I better research further to find something that is not EASY!!

Prayers for all who struggle with fractions and Math in general. Make friends with your enemy and suddenly it becomes... easy!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Life Lessons from the Football Field

This weekend is the Super Bowl. I don't like to always admit it.. but I love football. I do not have a favorite team.. unless you include the ones my children play on and of course Appalachian State. I just truly love the feeling of watching a quality football game. I get a little giddy each fall when you hear the echo of "ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?" It's true. You see my love affair with the sport began many years ago. As a pigtailed little girl, my dad took me to Appalachian Games. The most important lesson I learned was .. even tho' he was doing something he loved, I could be a part of it. I was important enough to get to go too. As a 9th grader, I (along with a wonderful friend) was allowed to be the manager of the Woodward Wolverine football team. Riding the bus, I learned about the psychology of men... when they win.. and when they don't. From those hours spent in chaotic celebration or silent agitation, I am better prepared to raise my two testosterone filled sons. I also learned when to SHUT-UP. That skill has come in handy.. tho' I forget about it all too often. After marrying and having our boys, we returned to Appalachian to support the teams through every game leading up to 3 National Championship titles. Thankfully, I was again with my father, who taught me about pride as a tear trickled down his cheek on the occasion of the first win. YES.. it's okay to feel emotions of happiness and pride.. especially for a job well earned and honors not easily attained. For the past three years, I have had the privilege of being involved with Youth Football League. From these, 8 to 10 year old children, I have learned about giving second chances and NEVER settling for less than your best. I have learned the meaning of team and WHY men of 40 years and older still remember their "glory days" and each and every team mates' name. So.. yes.. the end of football season is coming and I am a little melancholy about it. The lessons learned will never leave and it's not too many months 'till my class room opens again.

"Show class, have pride, and display character. If you do, winning takes care of itself."
Paul "Bear" Bryant