Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mathematics Meltdown

Tonight my oldest son had a complete and total meltdown due to FRACTIONS. As he ranted with great zeal and proceeded to explain how "stupid they are and that nobody EVER uses them in real life", I could not help but feel his frustration. Finally, he complained and whined until at last the truth was revealed. "DAD, you don't understand, you never will understand, don't you see? it's not easy!". Ah-ha! The truth shall set you free dear one.
Just like my son, none of us like things that are not easily acquired, retained, and regurgitated on demand. How often do we use more mature tactics to avoid having to begin, attempt, or stick to things that are not easy? Yet, I have heard several times in my life "nothing worth doing is easy". Observation, my son just passed a mini-quiz on his quest for adulthood. Adults must sometimes do those things which are not easy.. you know like parent firmly, say yes when no one else will, love unconditionally, and review fractions with the unwilling until they are mastered. I am considering learning something new.... I guess I better research further to find something that is not EASY!!

Prayers for all who struggle with fractions and Math in general. Make friends with your enemy and suddenly it becomes... easy!

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