Monday, February 26, 2018

February 26... Writing Challenge

Something I Don't Understand...

is why in America we fail to treasure our children and seniors.  These groups offer it all.  Innocence to wisdom.  Yer, we throw them away with frivolity and little care.  Look at the number of kids in foster care and also the number of seniors put away in facilities only to be visited once or twice a year.

I’ve seen some really cool care centers where these two groups are paired.  I would love to work there.  You see, both groups desire eyeball time and attention.  They crave and need these things to thrive and be healthy.  They’ll ask nothing in return and likely give you hugs and kisses and a chuckle or two.  I’m betting you leave them a better person....every....single..time!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

February 25... Writing Challenge

What Are My Priorities in Life?

1-  to serve and honor God...which I fail miserably at most days.
2- to be a good wife, mother, and daughter.  Again....lots of failure.
3- to be a good friend.  Less failure,  but I could use some improvements here to.
4- to be the best educator I can be.  I get this one right more than the others..but there is always room for growth and improvement.
5- to provide the world a glimpse of goodness and remind us that there is good.  Social media has certainly enhanced my ability to do this!  Thank goodness!

February 24... Writing Challenge 2018

A Time When Someone Helped Me...

is nearly every day.  In the education world, we have to lean on one another.  The number of times my friend and colleagues remind me of deadlines and meetings is more than I care to admit.  Equally, they know my strengths and I give them help in those areas.  We survive and thrive with  the help of one another.  It is the best way.  It is the only way any of us come back year after year.

February 18.. Writing Challenge 2018

A Moment I Will Always Remember...

is the minute I found out I was pregnant for the first time.  Joy, excitement, fear, confusion, elation, overwhelming blessings, and total shock all were rolled up into one big HOLY CRAP moment.  Those emotions have never left as I try to parent this little miracle and his equally miraculous brother.

How I have ever deserved them is beyond  me.  I am humbled and grateful.

February 23... Writing Challenge 2018

An Accomplishment I am Proud Of...

is being named Teacher of the Year for Rowan County in 2006.  I was serving as an EC (Exceptional
Children’s) teacher and was working hard to make my role impactful.  I took the role seriously and wanted to be seen as a valuable team mate in the classrooms I worked in and throughout the entire school setting.

When it was announced I was thrilled and validated.  I attended the breakfast alone and really was sad that my family or principal were not there.  As an agent of change, I advocated for the families of the finalist to be invited and to my knowledge, they have been since then even tho the announcement procedure has changed.

The year was a challenging one and I leaned a lot about the politics of school systems.  It validated that being a TEACHER was the exact thing I should confine doing and I have never looked back.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

February 22... Writing Challenge

A Good Thing From Today...

was getting to sneak across the street to see my first born and now senior son in a prom fashion show.  It was a lot of fun and he looked handsome and old...even if they forgot his dress shoes and he had on dirty boots.  The energy and excitement in the auditorium was contagious and I wish for just a minute I had thought to take my entire block of kids.  Instead, Wayne Honeycutt held down the fort and my administrative team was supportive too.  Wahooooo all the way around!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

February 21... Writing Challenge 2018

Five Things I Like About Myself...

1-  although it sometimes makes me angry with myself as well.. I like that I don't or can't stay angry too long.  I tend to quickly forgive and am ready to move on.  I can summons that anger up years later, but usually STILL feel the need to let it go quickly.

2- my ability to turn a situation around and see potential good or at least a sliver of hope around the ugly, dirty edges.  This includes people who have forgotten just how great they are.

3- my extensive musical taste.  I love just about any music and enjoy hearing the reasons people adore certain singers, bands, or songs.  I have heard ONE song in my entire life that I could not find anything lovely about.  It was a Japanese piece meant to echo the sounds beetles make when mating.  I heard it at Meredith College for an introductory teaching class.  It made my teeth hurt and the thoughts that somebody somewhere actually enjoys that  "music" STILL has my mind a little shaken.

4- my sense of humor.  I know it's not everybody's cup of tea, but I can often pair sarcasm with just the right amount of concern to provide levity in situations that are anything but comical.  I most always laugh first at myself so there are rarely victims to my humor punches.

5-  my crazy hair.  For years I fought it and spent hours...literally... trying to tame it.  After I had the boys, I gave up and it has been "au naturale" at varying lengths for about 13 years now.  My hair is kinky, fuzzy, curly,  multi-colored, and totally unpredictable.  I think it mimics my personality at this time in my life and I tell anyone who wants to criticize, "God made it... take it up with him if you don't like it!"

February 20... Writing Challenge 2018

The Best Day You Had Last Week...

was Sunday.  I had completed Day One of a shooting class with some amazing instructors and my sons and husband.  The instructors were "high speed, low drag" and really (not exaggerating at all) the REAL DEAL.  I mean famous for their abilities and instructional prowess.  See Ken Hackathorn and Larry Vickers on any Social Media or Google search you desire.  

In any event, Saturday was HARD.  I established myself as the worst student in the class within the first twenty minutes.  I tried not to beat myself up and embraced the growth model that I had no where to go but up!!  At lunch, my hubs dropped the bomb that he "forgot" to tell me this was an advanced class.... ummmm... you're kidding, sweetness?   But at the same time, this made me feel better.  My classmates were (for the most part) experts and I was whatever comes below novice.  We continued working and practicing and doing drills that had my head twisted in about a million directions. I never felt unsafe but was certainly pushed way outside my comfort zone and skill set.  That evening, we practiced in lowlight (called DARK where I grew up in Chicken City, USA).  This was hard because you had to maneuver your pistol and hold a flashlight at the same time.  My spastic hands struggled, but we safely executed the drills and my instructors gave me pointers and told me exactly what I was doing wrong.

Our parting words for the evening were "you will sleep like a baby, tonight".

I must have taken it as a personal challenge because sleep evaded me for a good portion of the hours "off".  Instead my brain was replaying every lesson, pep talk, and critique.  I WANTED to be better and that heart-felt desire kept the Sandman from fully taking residence in my eyes.  I slept with a little secret dread of "having to do this a-whole-nother day."

Sunday, instead, emerged with no rain or ugly fog to contend with.  My clothes and gear felt "more right" than they ever had and I was ready to face the day.  I found myself enjoying the experience and watching others to see if they made similar errors that I did.  One instructor was not feeling well and I enjoyed seeing how the pair took up the slack for the other because they were genuinely friends.  I  listened to the stories and instruction and found myself looking at my watch NOT to hurry the time away but wishing it could last just a bit longer.   Our final drill confirmed that I had improved and had learned from the experience.  My time and my accuracy was better.....not great...not perfect.. but better. 

In a total touch of class and professionalism, Mr. Hackathorn addressed each student (34, I think) by name and gave us a compliment and something to work on.  IMPRESSIVE and a model for me as a teacher. 

The crazy, ironic thing about the entire experience is this... I worried about it!!  A LOT!! before coming. But instead of just worrying, I practiced and strategically planned for errors and how to rectify them.  I acquired materials and equipment to be as ready as possible and did not (okay.. tried not to) voice my concerns too often or to too many people.  I put action to anticipation and goodness emerged.  I MUST REMEMBER THIS as I will always remember this experience.

February 19... Writing Challenge 2018

One Way I Can Help A Friend...

is to listen without judgment.  Most humans simply want to be heard.  I have been guilty of not really listening because I was too busy formulating my rebuttal or internally generating my most excellent advice.  I have been caught red handed by the speaker for not listening and my suggestions have been completely ignored because my friend did not really want either of those things in the first place.

When I drop my normal judgmental ear, I find a new appreciation for my friend's situation, circumstances, and story.  I can follow up with genuine concern and not be tempted at all to share their words with others who do not need to know them.  I am more empathetic and more of the person I want others to believe I am. 

February 17... Writing Challenge 2018

What Are Things I Want To Learn?

I want to learn to be still and satisfied at least for moments of each day.

I want to learn to be a great wife, mother, daughter, and friend... with no regrets or remorse.

I want to learn... well.... anything really.  Learning opens my eyes and helps me set goals.  Even if the goal is... to NEVER do/hear/attend/volunteer for this crap again!!

February 16... Writing Challenge

An Important Quote

Carpe Diem!!!  I first heard this quote in Latin class in 9th grade at Woodward Junior High School.  It had a fancy ring and well... (in academic snobbery).. it WAS Latin, you know!  It bounced around in my adolescent brain for a couple of years and emerged again when the amazing film, Dead Poets Society was released.  I love Robin Williams' character, John Keating, and the fire and passion he brings to his teaching.  He encourages if not demands his young charges CARPE DIEM  (seize the day).

This thought, belief, mantra is one of truth and motivation.  If you do not seize the day, you devalue yourself as a choice maker and world changer.  You let conditions and others define your life and that (for me) is not acceptable.  Some days my seizing is a train wreck and others a perfectly played concerto.  Either way.. I am not going to lollygag and mealy mouth around in a complacent fog.  I SHALL CARPE DIEM!! and CARPE DIEM the heck out of it!!

February 15... Writing Challenge

THE Movie I Tell My Friend to See...

is always The Sound of Music. It's one of my all-time favorites. I love the music, the history, and yes... even the happily ever after romance.  My fellas have grown to like it and know that putting that movie on play will almost always cure whatever ails me.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

February 14... Writing Challenge 2018

My Ideal Morning Routine...

would include:  not waking till my body said so rather than the alarm blaring at me; getting to go for a nice walk outdoors with just right temperatures, excellent music, and my four legged friends; returning to a sparkling clean Clorox bombed Home and a breakfast of steak and eggs and fresh fruit; a long leisurely bath with a good book and Euphoria scented water; stolen conversations with each of my three men; hugs and kisses before diapering; then around 10 report to work and teach like my hair was on fire!

A girl can dream, right?  As I set the alarm for 4:45 once again!!  ðŸĪŠðŸ˜ī🙄😜

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

February 13... Writing Challenge 2018

Do I Work Better in the Morning or at Night?

I am absolutely a NIGHT person.   Around dusk, my creative energies are just coming alive.  When left to my own choices, I stay up till the wee hours of the morning and sleep till around 9:30 or so.

My current job placement REALLY pushes my natural body clock. I have to be at work at 7:00am which requires the lovely alarm clock to rudely rouse me at 4:45 IN THE MORNING.  This is NOT my heart's desire at all.    However, having done this now for a couple of years, I do find my body rhythms shifting and even when I indulge and stay up too late, I find myself being restless and unable to sleep any longer by 8am.

I have always said I would love to start a second shift school.  With the advent of factories closing and fewer shift workers in my area, I know this would be doubtful to ever happen.  But if it does, SIGN ME UP!!

February 12... Writing Challenge 2018

Destinations I Dream of Traveling To...

ANYWHERE!  I will go anywhere.... as long as those with me are fun loving and don't have to be too regimented.  One place I really have no desire to go is Hawaii.  I KNOW that is weird, but it does not appeal to me.

I love small towns and adventuring off the beaten path.  I can find beauty in most places and love the journey as much as the destination. 

I can be ready at a moments' notice... so if you ever need a traveling companion, let me know!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

February 11... Writing Challenge 2018

Three of my Favorite Book Characters...

1-  James Patterson's ALEX CROSS.  He is a genuine character who is relatable but also just a tad bit smarter than the average person.  He is fearless and passionate about his causes and is relentless when it comes to finding the bad guys.  I also love that Patterson does not make Cross immune to the troubles of life and that makes him more lovable for me.
2- Judy Blume's Farley Drexel Hatcher aka.. FUDGE!  This little guy has made me laugh since the first time I read of him.  I shared him with my boys and husband and they enjoyed this character as well.  He is matter of fact, mischievous, and has a heart of gold that often guides his adventures to the dismay of his parents and bothered brother.  FUDGE is my hero!
3-  NOAH.. of the Bible.  I am often amazed when I read that story that he just kept on doing his thing regardless of the neigh sayers and critics. He had full faith in the promises of the Lord and could not be shaken by anything or anyone.  WOW!!  To have that willpower, fortitude, and belief in doing what you are told.  Impressive and awe inspiring. 

February 10... Writing Challenge 2018

My Favorite Book...

is probably, "Are you there God, It's Me Margaret" by Judy Blume.
Judy Blume was my favorite author as a young person and I have loved her books again with my boys. I read and re-read Margaret's account of growing up when I was a tween and really found solace in the fact that Margaret was awkward and curious and plain old weird... JUST LIKE ME!!

I have read all of Blume's adult books and enjoyed them...but nothing like her young adult fiction.
If you have not read her stuff.... do it... do it now!!

Saturday, February 10, 2018

February 9...Writing Challenge 2018

Five Things I Should Do MORE Often...
1.  Say yes...when something sounds at all intriguing.  I always learn something new when I say yes...even if it’s that I don’t want to do that thing again.
2.  Stop and breathe.  When I get stressed, all bent out of shape, or overwhelmed...I need to just breathe.  Then, cautiously proceed
3.  Get outside.  I get renewal of spirit when I’m outside soaking up Vitamin D.
4.  Learn to take a compliment without discounting the words.  When I think about it, it is really quiet rude to disagree with a person who notices something good in me and actually tells me.
5.  Write real letters and cards and actually send them to people.  I used to so this a lot and a
have gotten out of the habit with the advent of technology.  It’s an art form worth saving...even one person at a time.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

February 8... Writing Challenge 2018

Five Things I Should Do LESS Often...

1- Do for others those  things they need to know how to do because they don’t do it the way I prefer.  Think laundry and household cleaning.
2-  Feel like I always have to be productive and busy.  I advocate that others take advantage of the restorative nature of rest.  I should listen to my own advice.
3- Overanalyzing and predicting what I think the men in my life are thinking, doing, saying.  Just ask them, Maria.  They are honest to a fault and will tell you for sure!
4-  Working....all the time!  I should commit to turning off in a scheduled pattern.  It’s hard when teaching is in your soul and every conversation and thing you see inspires a lesson idea.
5-  Comparing my best to other’s best.  My wise Mackie reminds me not do to that on the treadmill.  Why not in life in general?

February 7... Writing Challenge 2018

How Do I Take  Care of Myself When I Am Stressed?

Bottom line...I do not!  I try to exercise, eat (mostly) smart choices, and get adequate sleep.

But the truth is...I let other things consume exercise time, eat rubbish and swear it is helping me make it through which causes insomnia due to sugar and caffeine. read it friends, on this one...I fail miserably...repeatedly... and often.

February 6... Writing Challenge

Three Small Steps That COULD Change The World...

1- for everyone to stop being so easily offended.  Everything and everybody are NOT against you.  It is totally possible to find things in common with a person who is your polar opposite.  Suck it up p, buttercup and smile when you see a challenge.

2- for our children and elderly to be equally valued.  These two groups have so much to give and ask very littl in return. Yet, we throw them away, diminish their worth, and swear they are somebody else’s problem.

3-  pursuing passions as opposed to the almighty dollar.  If only all work was valued, this would certainly change who ended up being where.

Monday, February 5, 2018

February 5... Writing Challenge 2018

What Do I Need to Be Content?

Life these days is pretty simple.  Perhaps I have reached that "certain age" where I have FINALLY... well MOSTLY... okay, okay SORT OF realized that I can't save the entire world.  I have learned to prioritize my energy and efforts (mostly because both are in limited quantities).    So contentment is not too hard to find.

The following cause me to feel content:

  • coming home and playing fetch with my crazy dogs that live on the northern end of the DMZ (more about that whole story later).  
  • a really good meal. It does not have to be expensive... just quality food that is better than what we make at our house.
  • a really great hymn or solo at church.
  • reading and resting with no demands on my time or brain.
  • trying a new recipe and getting six thumbs up from the Freeman Men.
  • seeing my children be responsible for their actions.
  • seeing a student experience success and being proud of themselves.
  • Ginger snaps and peanut butter.
  • a (terrible for me) frothy, fountain Coke, over crushed ice.
  • Sunday nights where the school week is planned with better lessons that lean to best.
  • dancing on Wednesday nights with the best ladies I know... and building our abs with laughter.
  • working hard to make good financial decisions and being able to help out when asked.
  • a day spent adventuring with no certain destination or schedule... with my guys, my mom, or another brave soul who loves me enough to try this event.
  • colleagues laughing and visiting over food they prepared that I just scheduled and got drinks for.
  • saying YES!
  • peanut M&Ms.
  • praying for others and believing fully God will answer the prayers in his time.
  • being caught up with laundry, dishes, and paper grading... if only for mere seconds at at time.
  • looking in the mirror and feeling slightly better about the person looking back... I am still working on this one, ya'll!!  #workinprogress

Sunday, February 4, 2018

February 4.. Writing Challenge 2018

The Best Compliment I have Ever Received...

was the phrase “she’s a squared away gal.”  At first I was confused, but the speaker elaborated and said that meant I had my act together, could be trusted, and did not take myself too seriously!

So...squared away is what I strive to be daily!

Saturday, February 3, 2018

February 3... Writing Challenge 2018

One Thing the World Needs More Of...

is compasssion.  We have gotten so far away from this concept that when someone is compassionate, others think they are crazy and likely to be taken advantage of.

When we show compassion, it does not mean we condone others’ behavior or beliefs.  It simply means we respect them and can feel badly when they experience troubled times.

With compassion, we have to be willing to listen and to be educated as to why a person might think, speak, or behave in a certain way.  It pretty much alleviates  judgmental attitudes because those two things cannot exist simultaneously.

Compassion allows me to feel deeply for my fellow humans and also try to aid their plight.  It’s not always easy, but I certain,y think the world could improve our collective efforts.

February 2... Writing Challenge 2018

A Person Whom I Admire...

is my dear friend and colleague, Leslie Wright.  She is the epitome of a sweet southern woman.  I am not saying she does not get fired up about things, but when she does, she always remains classy and thoughtful.

Leslie makes everyone around her feel valued and important.  She is patient and always remembers to follow up with people after  they have shared life news and happenings with her.

Leslie is an organized person.  She puts in hard work and rarely seems to procrastinate.  She can almost always put her hands on things because she put them where they belonged the first time.

Leslie also loves big!  She adores her family and has a way of making everyone feel like they are welcomed at her home, in her classroom, and in her life.  She seems to embody the “the more the merrier” attitude everywhere she goes.

Leslie has a wonderful smile, beautiful brown eyes, and a heart that is 110% pure gold.  Our chance meeting some twenty years ago, has been a blessing in my life.  This woman is one I admire, would like to be more like, and am forever grateful for her role in my life and the lives of those I love!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

February 1... Writing Challenge 2018

My Favorite Place...

is wherever there is love and laughter.  The summer after my senior year of high school, we moved from my childhood home in July.  In August of that same year, I moved to NC State.  I then moved yearly for the next seven years to different dorms in Raleigh and Boone.  This constant moving taught me that the place is not as important as the people you share it with.  And boy oh boy, did I have some amazing, fabulous, life changing people to share my spaces with.

Currently, one of my favorite places is my deck.  LOTS of reading, thinking, and general solving  of world problems goes on here. My view is scenic and the noises are usually those found in nature.  Cows, chickens, CRAZY dogs, wild squirrels, rabbits, and lots of bird commune with me as their guest and they are excellent conversationalists.

Another favorite place is my car... filled with my Freeman men and stories of the day or singalong songs.  Our time together is precious and limited due to this whole dang growing up thing and this momma is smart enough to be grateful.