Wednesday, February 21, 2018

February 21... Writing Challenge 2018

Five Things I Like About Myself...

1-  although it sometimes makes me angry with myself as well.. I like that I don't or can't stay angry too long.  I tend to quickly forgive and am ready to move on.  I can summons that anger up years later, but usually STILL feel the need to let it go quickly.

2- my ability to turn a situation around and see potential good or at least a sliver of hope around the ugly, dirty edges.  This includes people who have forgotten just how great they are.

3- my extensive musical taste.  I love just about any music and enjoy hearing the reasons people adore certain singers, bands, or songs.  I have heard ONE song in my entire life that I could not find anything lovely about.  It was a Japanese piece meant to echo the sounds beetles make when mating.  I heard it at Meredith College for an introductory teaching class.  It made my teeth hurt and the thoughts that somebody somewhere actually enjoys that  "music" STILL has my mind a little shaken.

4- my sense of humor.  I know it's not everybody's cup of tea, but I can often pair sarcasm with just the right amount of concern to provide levity in situations that are anything but comical.  I most always laugh first at myself so there are rarely victims to my humor punches.

5-  my crazy hair.  For years I fought it and spent hours...literally... trying to tame it.  After I had the boys, I gave up and it has been "au naturale" at varying lengths for about 13 years now.  My hair is kinky, fuzzy, curly,  multi-colored, and totally unpredictable.  I think it mimics my personality at this time in my life and I tell anyone who wants to criticize, "God made it... take it up with him if you don't like it!"

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