Saturday, February 12, 2011

LOVE Defined....

The past twenty four hours have helped me more appropriately define the quintessential term of love.
1- Finishing my day to call my boys and hear that they are playing Wii with their Papa after he picked them up from school.
2- Talking to my husband who felt guardedly optimistic about his numerous tests this week.
3- Attending my boys first jam session where people played from their hearts and gave the glory to GOD for their talents.
4- Having my boys (somewhat willingly) help around the house so that all the work could be done TODAY!
5- Attending a baby shower for a sweet family who we are really enjoying getting to know. Looking forward to loving on their latest addition to the football team.
6- Attending a family get together to honor and in memory of our Grandmother. My cousin Tina did the cooking and I know everything tasted better because of her kind act of selfless love. IT WAS AMAZING!!
7- Alex asking to spend the night with Nana and Papa... knowing deep in his heart that they rarely say no.
8- Returning home to listen to my husband and son play music and SINGING along.
9- Laying down in a warm home, fully fed, clean and safe!
10- The peace and assurance that GOD will deliver me from my sins and has saved my soul from eternal damnation!

Praise be to God for the day and my blessings!!

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