Friday, June 8, 2012

Things I wish I could say....

Today marked the end of another school year. A LONG and EVENTFUL one. I am tired and when I get tired I sometimes become emotional... NOT THE NORM for me and I really don't know how to control it! So.... I write... and here are the thoughts in my heart today.

For Bink Gobble.. an unbelievable woman who wears her heart on her sleeve... thank you!! You are my role model for being true to one's self. The fact that you "could not talk" yesterday makes me wish I could let go of control and BE what you naturally are! We love you and you will ALWAYS be a part of our lives!

For Carl Snider... WOW WHAT A YEAR!! Thanks for sticking it out with us in sixth grade. TOO bad once we have gotten you good and broken in you must move on with our lovelies. YOU KNOW WE ARE JEALOUS!! Please come visit!! I will miss hearing the chicken stories. ENJOY your summer and know that I appreciate you!!!

For Jennifer Brown... I am so very thankful that you came into our lives. You amaze me with all you do and yet you always have time to help ONE more person. The Good Samaritan is a story that makes me think of you... and you are lovely!! I will miss you sharing the wall and you are ALWAYS welcome to "bother me" at any time!!

For Mark Dexter... I am grateful for your friendship and your willingness to let me be me! You are like a brother I never got to have and I love you for putting up with me!! You bring laughter to my life and I thank you!!

For Kim Shuping... thank you for trying to open my eyes to the Science around me. You know so much and have done so much and STILL DO SO MUCH!! It makes me dizzy. Thank you for modeling the importance of family and proving that no matter how "big" my kids get ... I can still matter!! I look forward to our continued adventure next year!

For Lou Anne Mullis.... some people don't believe in "gut" reactions...but I knew the moment your beautiful smile lit up the conference room that you were something special!! I am SO thankful that our Admin. fought to get you and the blessings and rewards have been ours. YOU are a pillar of kindness and your calm nature was the perfect addition to our sixth grade craziness. Even tho' you will be away.. know that I am only a phone call away. YOU will be AMAZING and our kids (not just EC) are so fortunate to know you! Thanks for your friendship and care.. I am grateful to call you friend!

For Tina Barkley.... Your organization and leadership will be so greatly missed. I have never been a "sixth grader" without you!
I know you will give 110% no matter what you do. I pray that peace finds you about your move and that you ROCK IT with those gorgeous long (and in shape) legs of yours!! I hope this summer finds you resting and enjoy all the men in your life. You are an amazing mother and the proof is in the excellence you foster!! Know that you will always be a part of my fondest memories and that you have a safety net in room A-13! I admire you and am glad to call you my friend!

For Sarah Wise... I have been loving you more each and every year I get the chance to work with you!! My son loved your class and my husband gives you a thumbs up "because he likes the way you do them youngins"!! That is a compliment by the way!!
I adore your thoroughness and YOU ARE A GREAT WRITER!! Never doubt the impact you have on those around you and know that I appreciate you for your honesty!

For Carey McClung... I have really enjoyed working with you this year. I don't think MJF would admit it... but I think there was a little crushage action going on!! I admire your honesty about struggles you have..... and you always get through them!! That is a talent!! I enjoy your PJ stories and I thank you for reminding me of what my "babies" used to be when I am ready to strangle their once-upon-a-time adorable little necks!! I pray your summer is relaxing and look forward to knocking out some AMAZING stuff with the Common Core!

For Dianne Lee.... YOU ARE AWESOME and I can not begin to tell you how much I appreciate ALL YOU DO!! You rarely want to even let anybody know how much you do and I really appreciate your constant searching to better our ELA area. I don't even want to think about you not being in sixth grade. It would be like losing a founding father!! Prayers for a happy summer and a chance to unwind and cherish the memories you have made in Rockwell, North Carolina. I know your changes are good for you all, but our community is losing one TERRIFIC family!

For Amy Burford... what a super year you have had!! I think back to some of our conversations from last year and am SO grateful you decided to stay true to your calling. I don't know about all these zoos you science people have... but I do appreciate you bringing science to the kids and making them love, love, love it!! WELL DONE... the best is yet to come!!

For Blake Williamson... one year was just not enough!! Maybe our names will be close to one another on a hallway again. I have enjoyed those sideways smiles and your willingness to put up with us on Cruise Ship Crazy!! I hope your summer wedding planning will wrap up and allow some time to enjoy yourself!! Please don't be a stranger down around Room A-13!!

For Bill Barrier... I so enjoyed the day we had the Medieval Experience. Your personality shone through and it was such fun to see you passionate and excited about something near and dear to your heart. Lately... again... with that burst with pride when your "baby" is around.. and that is a cool thing as well!!

For Judy Wellmon.... hard to believe I have been knowing you since Fall 1998!! I have enjoyed watching Shelby grow up and am so proud of all you two are! I appreciate you holding the EC Staff together and for taking IEP Team Leader roles. I know neither of those tasks are easy and you do such a nice job!! I will have to drop over and check on you (and Shelby) next year!! I pray your summer allows you continued healing and energy to start another fabulous year!!

For Leslie Wright... I thank you for your continued friendship. It was such an awesome feeling having my own child verify what I believed all along... that you are an AMAZING teacher!! I have missed your organization this year!! Maybe that should be one of my PEP goals?? In any event... I love you for keeping me grounded and understanding a single look! My life is richer by knowing you!!

For Carolyn McDonald (MOM)... you were my first teacher and you continue to amaze with your power over children. YOU expect them to behave respectfully when sometimes they don't know how. THAT is a gift they will never say thank you for...but one they will never forget! Thanks for always supporting me and believing in me even when I don't believe in myself! You are a blessing and I am thankful to call you mother and friend!!

That's it for now... stay tuned.. I have a WHOLE LIST of people to appreciate and it never hurts to write what I am often unable to sayl!!

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