Thursday, September 8, 2016

Ramblings of a Mother of Teens

Most parents lament and dread the inevitable teenaged years. Those whose children don't make it to the dreaded teen years are forever heartbroken. Both sets mourn. As our children age, they become their own persons. They no longer adore us nor do they believe we can possibly be right...EVER!! BUT HERE IS THE THING...Teenagers are not all bad!! PLEASE KEEP READING... Teenagers help you keep yourself in check. They are honest to a fault and will never let you look too ridiculous. They really have a lot to say. You may have to wait on them to arrive home or sift through their jargon and sometimes undesired language to get the message, but I promise you it is worth hearing. They are mini-versions of our worst and best selves. The hot buttons they push are likely the ones we pushed on our own parents. Try to navigate these moments in the way you WISHED you had been managed. Lastly, despite the fact that they appear to not care at all about you, your opinion, or your desires... they DO!!! Continue to love them and be present when they show up. Find common ground and shared interests to bind you closer as the world tells you you have nothing in common with the younger generation. Don't believe the lies and follow your heart. Give them the same patience you did as you taught them to walk, eat, and crawl. YOU WERE SUCCESSFUL THEN.. and you will be again. Your reward will be an adult friend who you will love and probably find you actually like as well. For Mack and Alex who are now 16 and 15... this momma loves you and forever will. Even when I lose my mind a little over something like clean rooms or spills on the kitchen floor, I will ALWAYS remain your biggest fan, advocate, and cheerleader. There is nothing you can't do and I know these teenage years are tough, but you will get through them and I could not be more proud!

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