Thursday, March 3, 2011

Judge NOT.....

Judging others. Something we all do and something we all are instructed to NOT do. I often question why our Father in Heaven gave us such skills. We are all too often quick to judge, rapid to condemn, and painfully slow to forgive. Each of us thinks too highly of ourselves or falsely believes that we would NEVER be caught in "those" situations that lesser humans are in. But here is the one true thing... YOU NEVER KNOW!! I am working on looking past the immediate, in my face, and oh so easily judged.. moment. AND trying to look at the entire package. The novel.. rather than the page if you will. Each of us are really nothing more than our experiences and the blessings that were meant to accompany them. Sometimes we falter, sometimes we fall flat, and every once in a while... we get it right. So... do we really have the right to judge? You decide.

Matthew 7:1 "Judge not, lest you be judged"

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this post. This was the most difficult thing when I was still working (and still is!) No one could 'see' that I was sick and no one took the time to learn why my 'best' didn't look like their 'best'. We never know the trials and struggles lying just beneath the surface, nor are we always meant to see them.

    It is very sad that it took a disease for me to find compassion, patience, forgiveness, and tolerance. I wish that we could all learn those things without trial, but that's rare.

    Thanks, Maria! Proof that you are always teaching with your life and not just your lesson plans.
