Saturday, March 5, 2011

Parental Guidance??

This week my son and I were riding along in the car. Funny thing.. there is never music in my car when I have one of the boys alone... too much to talk about. In any event, he explains, "Mom, some girl left a period pad in the back of the classroom where the teacher keeps her black drawers." My brain sort of skimmed over the first part and said, "Oh yeah, a filing cabinet?" He said, "Yes. Everybody started laughing and I just thought it was gross." I responded with some fluff about "well, this is a part of life" blah, blah, blah.
Several days later, I am still in a bit of shock. YES I KNOW he is ten years old and is supposed to know about this stuff. BUT where did the time go? How is it that he is in the final chapters of his elementary career? and HOW do I continue to foster a relationship where he still talks to me. I guess I just keep on loving him and try to listen with my mind and my heart. Perhaps focusing on answering as if he were one of my students rather than my baby boy! This entire experience makes me grateful to be his mother and for the loaner gift of he and his brother. I am so undeserving but so very thankful!

1 comment:

  1. oh, maria. this is hilarious. and poingant. i think you are right - just keep talking! hank is fifteen - FIFTEEN. we still talk all the time. i cherish the time we have together in the car. that will be gone in july....yes. it flies.
