Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Last Supper???

Today (in preparation for our class novel), I asked my students what ONE food they would be willing to eat every day to survive? They all wanted to negotiate~ explaining that a peanut butter and jelly sandwich was ONE THING.. NO..I explained that is three..
Macaroni and Cheese... NO that's two.. YOU KNOW HOW THE CONVERSATION CONTINUED... they got frustrated and I got tickled. HOWEVER.. I had to ask myself the same question.. WHAT WOULD I CHOOSE?? I like a lot of things... but could I eat them every single day? I love brownie sundaes... but they make my head hurt.. too much EVERYTHING... I like pizza..... but eventually I would feel like I did when Domino's was an option on my meal card at NCSU. So I find myself perplexed. What would I eat? I am thinking the suggestion of one of my student's would be excellent... the potato! A very diverse and underrated foot item. It has gotten a bad rap for years due to its high carbohydrate content. POOR POTATO.. it actually is surprisingly filled with nutrients and a great deal of potassium. All this leads me to one point.. there is no food that would satisfy me every time and every day. The Fruits of the Spirit are enough.. and with these I will be well fed.. I don't want to be like Mick Jagger.. "can't get no satisfaction".. Lord let me be pleased with what I have; where I am; and rely on you for the meeting of my needs and desires!
Gotta' run... my potatoes are boiling!!

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