Friday, August 13, 2010


Have you ever had a memory that was insanely vivid? Only to return to "the spot" later and learn that perhaps your memory had become shady? This has happened to me this summer. For years, I have told my children about a huge, scary, and fiercely dangerous hill that I dared to ride my bike down each summer. My boys would be spellbound with the stories of the numerous bike wrecks involving cases of peroxide and buckets of tweezer plucked boulders that had been removed from my knees. "Tell it again," Alex would often beg. So.. as we were in my hometown (just the boys and I), we found the hill. As I turned right at the stop sign, my heart skipped a beat...then quickly flatlined with boredom at the fact that THE HIll was not really so big. The boys giggled and I insisted that it was much, much steeper than it appeared. In my mind, I played mental gymnastics..why did I fear THE HILL and why the heck did I wreck so many times? In any event...THE HILL still holds fond memories...however..I think my scarred and discolored knees may make for better illustrations.

TODAY...may you face your hill and be assured by the fact that it was a big deal and survived it dear one!!

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