Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mother Hen on the War Path

Last night I got really angry. I am still angry if I am honest with myself. Usually when this happens...the motivation comes from some situation where I can't fix the hurt, anger, frustration of my loved ones....especially my boys. When these occasions arise, I consider animals in nature. A mother hen will literally peck another animal to death when she feels her babies are threatened. SAD TO SAY... I totally get it. I am entirely the mother hen...mess with me.. OKAY!!... mess with my kids...NOT OKAY. At these times, I often find myself saying and doing things that are out of character and wonder..who is this woman? Right now...I am going to have to let the anger go. It is not healthy....I have a splitting headache and heart burn that won't quit. I must set my heart straight and PRAY that the evil doers in the world will see the light of the things they do. In the event that they do not, I must focus on the things I can change...and that would only include my attitude. Thanks for letting me I must go straighten up my coop!

Blessings to you. Make it a great day or's up to you!

1 comment:

  1. Spoken like a true mother! And now as a grandmother, those feelings are just as strong! So sorry for the hurt and anger.
