Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday's Solitude?

This morning I am sick and not at church! It feels odd. My home is quiet and lonely. I am shaming myself for eating a #1 Combo from Wendy's at 11:30 last night and heading straight off to bed. Only to be awakened quickly by the need to purge myself of that bad choice.

Does quiet bother you? Sometimes it makes me insane. I begin to notice things that cause my ADHD to spin out of control. For example, I hear the TRANE heating and cooling system struggle to gather the energy to begin its daily grind of keeping me cool or warm..whatever my mood dictates. I notice that the "silent" dishwasher really is not silent at all. I observe a suicidal bird flinging itself against my back glass door..please stop you silly little creature. You are going to hurt yourself. And why you are at it....quit using the bathroom on my deck furniture... would you??

All this quiet makes me stop and appreciate the every day noises I take for granted. My boys arguing over the remote control. The fact that we only have one tv. The laughter rich environment I immerse myself in upon entry into our humble home. The excited messages from grandparents wanting only for us to call them back. And when doing so...the excitement and joy that echos through the phone lines.... just from hearing our voices. The pantry doors flinging open and there being adequate food to fill our urging stomachs. My boys whispers I eaves drop on as they share secrets and silliness before drifting off to sleep. The lovely symphony of snoring that means my boys (all three) are resting well and will be prepared for the following day's challenges. My noise is good. My noise is a blessing. My noise is my life....and for my noise I am grateful!

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