Saturday, June 5, 2010


This morning the sun is shining on the dog's bucket of water. It is reflecting on the ceiling of my den in an awesome swirl of activity. When I look long enough patterns are repeated. It draws me in and I find myself spellbound by the movement. Occasionally, the reflection is clean and bright and other times is dark and subtle.

I am reminded that reflection is a good thing. I must take a careful introspective look at the person I am and the person I want to be. I need to celebrate my moments of brilliant clarity and critically scrutinize those darker moments. Reflection gives you a lift, a downer, and eventually a plan.....where will I go next? How will I get there? What will I do along the way? How can my life make a greater, more positive impact when I leave others behind?

The most important step in reflection is letting go. Take the good and trash the bad. I've got a plan...and I pray I am led to greatness for me, for those I love, and for those I may have the pleasure of impacting. God bless this great adventure I am calling life!

Go on...pick up your mirror. Celebrate your journey and make a plan!!

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