Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I recently read this post on a friend's Facebook Page:

"Just had a conversation with Kayla about love. She is 5. According to her, when you are in love, there are 3 things you do for the person you are in love with.... 1. Kiss them a lot (check) 2. "Sass up when you are going to see them (check) and 3. Draw lots of hearts for them". (thanks Mendy Benge for the use of your post and Sheri Trexler for teaching this sweet girl all about love).

So.. her number 3 rule makes me pause. What happens in love that we quit drawing the hearts? I understand that true love grows, matures, develops, and endures some pretty rough times. I understand that life and love will not always be romance and fireworks... it just doesn't happen. HOWEVER... why do we quit drawing the hearts? To me they are visual and kinesthetic reminders of what good is actually present in our lives. Perhaps we tire of the "I <3 so and so" bumper stickers, but what would hurt to leave a note to the one you claim to love that just said "I LOVE YOU". When I even think about writing those hearts, I just smile and feel myself flush a little. Mentally, I am taken back to those moments when I fought like crazy NOT to love my husband, yet for whatever reason... here I am 14 years later.. still hearting him!!

I think I am going to go doodle a while and lose myself in the blessings I will draw.. because GOD hearts me!!

1 Peter 4:8
"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."

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