Monday, January 15, 2018

January 15...Writing Challenge 2018

A Good Idea...

is to practice excellent self-care.  Now before you get your feathers ruffled...know that I am speaking to myself too.  I have not mastered this skill. I am not good at it.  And I feel guilty doing it! 

 I do know this..when I am taking care of myself and infusing all of my have to dos with some things that genuinely bring me joy, I am better.  A better person!  This better me is able to handle disappointments, failures, and sadness much  more effectively.  I don’t loose my mind over small things because I can see they will not last forever.  I am more balanced, more satisfied, and truly more likely to be at peace.

How do we achieve this?  I think the first thing to do is make a list of ideas that we consider worthy of our time that we are reserving for us.  Nope..laundry would not be my number one.  Ever!   It if it is yours, well rock on and enjoy that, my friend.

Here are a few of my gifts I can offer myself:
1- a long walk outside with no time limits or particular destination.
2- blaring MY music of choice and singing along with no worries of how silly I may look (best done in the car).
3- a long soak in the tub with a compelling book.
4- forgiving myself for anything less than perfect in my day, week, or life.
5-  stealing  one on one conversations with my sons who intrigue and amaze me daily.
6- giving up...and asking for help with things rather than believing and (trying) to be, do, or manage it all.
7- sleeping..  when I get tired until I wake up!  Tough to do on my crazy teacher schedule,  but I should do it more often.
8- occasionally indulging in a fountain coke...with lots of ice. 
9- cleaning up the figurative and literal clutter in my life.  If it does not have a purpose, is used regularly, or bring me joy...pretty sure it needs to go!
10-  just saying yes to invitations to do things with other people.  I doubt anyone is going to care if I do something different every once in a while.  What am I going to miss?  Laundry, grading papers, and  too many wasted moments on the iPad.  Humans are way better...why do I forget this?
11-  stay tuned...I’ve got some thinking to do....

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