Saturday, January 6, 2018

January 6...Writing challenge 2018

Finances Shymances....

This Year I will manage  my finances better by being more self-controlled with whim spending.  You know, where you just throw the thing into your real life or virtual cart and then feel astonished that your “little purchases”cost $300 freaking dollars!  I most often feel heart attack symptoms at the grocery store due to this phenomenon!

I have always been pretty miserly and was taught to earn and save money by my awesome parents.  My mom often would agree to pay x dollars for something I wanted with me filling in the rest.  This was genius because it helped me judge if something was worth MY money or not.  It probably alleviated a lot of crap being bought and hanging around untouched for years until the dump or Goodwill was gifted with it.

My parents also made the choice to let me earn money for things that were not required.  For example, my mom gave me money for lunch and gas once weekly during high school.  If I spent carelessly, I’d be hungry or at home come the weekend!  Again, pretty genius thinking.  I never fell into credit card traps in college because I KNEW you had to pay for that crap eventually.... and probably a lot more with interest!  Yikes!

Lastly, my Dad taught me to be generous and giving with my money!  If somebody wanted something, work your hiney off  to get it for them if you wanted them to have it.  I’m thinking of the Dark Tower game purchased on a visit to Salisbury one fall weekend when I was in sixth or seventh grade.  It was not necessary, needed, and perhaps not even deserved.  But the magic of it was, he made it happen!  The cost (maybe 74 bucks?) was ridiculous and I LOVED that thing!  I am pretty sure we still have it in Wilkesboro!  Maybe it’s an antique?  All this to say.... gift giving should be a bit crazy!  And your money can make it happen!

These truths exist in 2018...
1-Everybody (pauper and millionaire alike) has financial issues.  Don’t let them control you.
2-Everything is expensive and getting more so.  If you find a deal on something you love and use, go for it!
3-You can’t take any money or things with you after you leave this Earth.  Enjoy your life and the people you’ve been gifted to treasure.  Do this and fianances will be become a little less important.

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